Quest:Searching the Sacks

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Searching the Sacks
Level 130
Type Solo
Starts with Thromur
Starts at Amdân, the Threshold
Start Region Azanulbizar, T.A. 2799
Map Ref [63.5N, 135.2W]
Quest Group Azanulbizar
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'The scrap of cloth that you brought me looks like it could have come from the cloaked figure Zebena thought she saw. Perhaps the tailor, Aboki, can tell you more about the fabric.'


Was the scrap of fabric torn from the fluttering cloak or off the thief? Or could it be some haunted relic of a passing ghost?

Objective 1

Aboki is located in Amdân.

You should bring the scrap of fabric to Aboki.

Aboki: 'Aye, it could have come from a cloak. It is nothing special. Just a common weave. There is plenty of ripped fabric here. Go on and look through the sacks, if you like. I haven’t the time to do so for you, obviously.'

Objective 2

  • Search the sacks of clothing

Sacks of clothing can be found in Amdân.

You should search the sacks of clothing for the ripped cloak.

A few cloaks, but not of the correct color.

You found a torn cloak!

Objective 3

  • Return to Aboki

Aboki is located in Amdân.

You should ask Aboki about the torn cloak.

Aboki: 'That sack? Dráttur brought that lot round for repair. Ask him and leave me to my work. The day grows short and the piles grow taller and taller.'

Objective 4

Dráttur can be found in Amdân.

You should ask Dráttur about the torn cloak.

Dráttur: 'A torn cloak? Greyish? Aye, I remember it well. You tell Shálun that he can bring his own clothing to Aboki for repairs from now on. I am no courier, no matter the dwarf.'

Objective 5

  • Return to Thromur

Thromur can be found in Amdân.

Report back to Thromur.

Thromur: 'Welcome back, my friend. You look like you bring news.'