Quest:In the Name of Azog

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In the Name of Azog
Level 130
Type Solo
Starts with Landscape
Starts at Muru Azog
Start Region Azanulbizar, T.A. 2799
Map Ref [67.4N, 136.2W]
Ends with Auto-complete
Quest Group Azanulbizar
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

Encamped in the very shadows of Nud-mekhem, the East-gate, the Orcs of the Ufúrzrak have laid claim to Khazad-dûm in the name of their chieftain, Azog. There, the Orcs of the Ufúrzrak have raised a number of crude banners—all of which bear the same runes carved into Thrór's head: the name of Azog. It is an insult!

You should destroy banners of the Ufúrzrak at Muru Azog


Bearing the same runes carved into Thrór's head, banners marked with Azog's name adorn the encampment before the East-gate.

Objective 1

  • Destroy banners of the Ufúrzrak at Muru Azog (0/8)

Banners of the Ufúrzrak clan can be found at Muru Azog, before the East-gate of Nud-mekhem at Azanulbizar.

You should destroy the banners of the Ufúrzrak.

Objective 2

  • Completed

You have destroyed many banners of the Ufúrzrak at Muru Azog.

Although the halls of Khazad-dûm still teem with Orcs, you have done much to dishearten the Orcs of the Ufúrzrak