Quest:Exploiting the Enemy

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Exploiting the Enemy
Level 130
Type Solo
Starts with Landscape
Starts at Zaghûth
Start Region Azanulbizar, T.A. 2799
Map Ref [64.8N, 133.8W]
Ends with Auto-complete
Ends at Zaghûth
Quest Group Azanulbizar
[hide]Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

While exploring the heights of the Redhorn Pass, you have come across the Orkish encampment of Zaghúth. Within Zaghúth, goblins have gathered a great many barrels of sapper-bombs to be used in the coming battles against the Haban'akkâ. However, their carelessness may prove to be a boon to the Haban'akkâ as the barrels might be lit within their own encampment.

You should ignite barrels of sapper-bombs at Zaghúth.


Barrels of sapper-bombs lay strewn through Zaghúth, posing equal danger to both the Haban'akkâ and the Orcs of Moria.

Objective 1

  • Ignite barrels of sapper-bombs at Zaghúth

Objective 2

  • Ignite barrels of sapper-bombs at Zaghúth

Barrels of sapper-bombs can be found at Zaghúth.

You should ignite barrels of sapper-bombs at Zaghúth

Objective 3

  • Complete

You have ignited many barrels of sapper-bombs at Zaghúth.

Although the Redhorn Pass remains blocked, your clever tactics have prevented the Orcs of Zaghúth from bringing their supply of sapper-bombs into battle at Azanulbizar.