Quest:Runes of Protection

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Runes of Protection
Level 139
Type Solo
Starts with Kyrstig
Starts at Ibdêkh-buzru, the Thing-fold
Start Region Welkin-lofts
Map Ref [45.4N, 73.2W]
Ends with Kyrstig
End Region Welkin-lofts
Quest Group Gundabad: Welkin-lofts
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Ibdêkh-buzru is protected from Orc-kind by ward-runes, placed thousands of years ago by the ancestors of the Longbeards. The wards in Gloomingtarn have already been defaced and dismantled by some device of the Angmarim, and I fear they could do the same here!

'While you're looking arond the Thing-fold, keep an eye out for the wards, and scrape away any modifications the cultists might have made to them.'


Ancient ward-runes protect Ibdêkh-buzru from Orc-kind invaders. The runes must be protected from the Angmarim.

Objective 1

  • Clean warding runes (0/6)

Kyrstig believes the Angmarim may have tampered with some of the ward-runes around the Thing-fold.

You should repair the warding runes around Ibdêkh-buzru, the Thing-fold.

Cleaned warding runes (6/6)

Objective 2

Kyrstig can be found near Ibdêkh-buzru, the Thing-fold.

You should talk to Kyrstig.

Kyrstig: 'Thank you for cleaning up the evil modifications the Angmarim attempted to make to the warding runes, <name>. No doubt they will not abandon such attempts, but for now the Thing-fold will remain protected.'