Quest:Loathsome Looters

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Loathsome Looters
Level 139
Type Solo
Starts with any Goblin-looter
Starts at Thyrstáth
Start Region Welkin-lofts
Map Ref [45.9N, 77.9W]
Ends with Hórin
End Region Welkin-lofts
Quest Group Gundabad: Welkin-lofts
[hide]Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

You found a goblin sneaking around during all the fighting in Thyrstáth, taking advantage of the chaos to steal from the ice-giants. Defeating the looters may help prove your worthiness to the giants.


Goblin looters are using the battle as an opportunity to steal from the ice-giants.

Objective 1

  • Defeat goblin looters (0/6)

Goblin looters have been spotted stealing from the ice-giants in Thyrstáth.

You should defeat goblin looters.

Defeated goblin looters (6/6)

Objective 2

Use the summoning horn to call Hórin to your side.

You should talk to Hórin.

If Hórin is no longer with you, you can find him at Fellgát.

Hórin: 'There are few things I hate more than thieves. Goblin thieves? Now those are just the worst. Hopefully the ice-giants will appreciate this.'