Quest:Hrungrod's Debt

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Hrungrud's Debt
Level 139
Type Small Fellowship
Starts with Hórin
Starts at Thyrstáth
Start Region Welkin-lofts
Map Ref [45.5N, 77.1W]
Ends with Hórin
End Region Welkin-lofts
Quest Group Gundabad: Welkin-lofts
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'The ice-giants' leader, Chieftain Hrungrod, lured us into a trap. It will be a tough fight for just the two of us, but I am willing to make him pay for it if you are.'


Chieftain Hrungrod, leader of the ice-giants, helped the Angmarim lure you into a trap.

Objective 1

Chieftain Hrungrod can be found in his throne room in Thyrstáth.

You should defeat Chieftain Hrungrod.

Defeated ice-giants (12/12)

Objective 2

Use the summoning horn to call Hórin to your side.

You should talk to Hórin.

If Hórin is no longer with you, you can find him at Fellgát.

Hórin: 'We have repaid Hrungrod for his treachery, and his fate will serve as warning to others of his people. Revenge is best served when cold, do they say. It gets little colder than the halls of the ice-giants!'