The Warlord's Gambit
"You have reached the end of the Father's Path, and Warlord Dushtalbúk must be ahead. His reason for marching to the mountain's peak is about to be revealed..."
You have reached the end of the Father's Path, and Warlord Dushtalbúk must be ahead. His reason for marching to the mountain's peak is about to be revealed...
Objective 1
Hórin is standing by with the dwarf forces.
You should talk to Hórin.
- Hórin: 'We don't know what we're walking into here, so I will hold back the main force for the moment, but this is the end of the road! Dushtalbúk MUST be up here. The two of us are going to go ahead, and sound the horn when we want our forces to advance.'
Objective 2
You have tracked the hobgoblins to the end of the road.
You should follow Hórin and find the hobgoblins.
- Hórin says, "I hope you're ready, <name>. There could be a massive force hiding up here!"
- Hórin says, "But why have they come all this way?"
- The hobgoblins are just ahead!
- Hórin says, "I see the hobgoblins just ahead!"
Objective 3
- Follow Hórin to the hiding spot
You have tracked the hobgoblins to the end of the road.
You should follow Hórin and find the hobgoblins.
- Hórin says, "Let's sneak through here. We don't want them to see us."
- You see Gorgar standing alone at the end of the cliff
Objective 4
- Listen to the conversation
You have found Gorgar at the end of the road. He must be the hobgoblins' reason for coming here!
You should watch and listen as events unfold!
- Hórin says, "Is that Gorgar? Wait, does that mean this is where he's been secretly meeting with-"
- Hórin says, "Hrímil! We do not have forces enough to face her!"
- Hórin says, "Wait, the hobgoblins aren't moving forward. Are they avoiding her as well?"
- Warlord Dushtalbúk says, "NOW!"
- Warlord Dushtalbúk says, "I have had enough of your arrogance, Gorgar!"
- Warlord Dushtalbúk says, "You have schemed against me at every turn. And now you plot with Hrímil herself to overthrow me?"
- Warlord Dushtalbúk says, "Nothing to say for yourself? That is fine by me!"
- Warlord Dushtalbúk says, "It is time to meet your end, Gorgar! The Frost-bound rule Gundabad!"
- Hrímil Frost-heart says, "You forget yourself, Warlord. I rule Gundabad!"
- Hrímil Frost-heart says, "I am disappointed, Dushtalbúk. I have been meeting with Gorgar in secret to keep him under control."
- Hrímil Frost-heart says, "If you cannot perform your duties without being overcome with jealousy like a petulant child, perhaps you need the same treatment!"
- Hrímil Frost-heart says, "The Frost-bound will be brought under my direct control, and YOU, Warlord, will serve as my personal guard."
- Hórin says, "I... can't move! It's the Dragon's Voice!"
- Loknashra says, "Look what has become of Gorgar the Ruthless. Pathetic."
- Loknashra says, "Drugoth... you were unable to take over my body, but your presence seems to have protected me from THIS fate."
- Loknashra says, "The Angmarim wanted nothing more than a vessel for their master, the dwarves want to slaughter us and take our home, and now the Dragon has taken away our free will."
- Loknashra says, "I have been betrayed at every turn, and am now surrounded by enemies. So be it!"
- Loknashra says, "I will use this power to gain my revenge ON YOU ALL!"
- Hórin says, "Is the power of her Voice wearing off? I can move again!"
- The Voice of the Dragon is wearing off! You can move again!
Objective 5
The hobgoblins will soon be upon you!
You should return to the Gate of Uzdarulzahar and summon your forces!
- Hórin says, "Uh oh, the hobgoblins are beginning to move as well!"
- Hórin says, "Quickly, we must return to our forces and blow the horn!"
- Hórin says, "Did Gorgar get away? I don't see him anywhere!"
- You are clear of the hobgoblins! Blow the horn to summon your forces!
- Hórin says, "Here! Blow the horn!"
Objective 6
- Blow the horn to summon your forces!
The hobgoblins will soon be upon you!
You should blow the horn to summon your forces!
- Wait for your forces to arrive
The hobgoblins will soon be upon you!
You should wait for your forces to arrive!
- The Gabil'akkâ has arrived!
- Kyrstig says, "The Dragon's roar froze us in place! We were only just now able to reach you!"
- Dréri says, "Gorgar... he was able to walk right past us unhindered!"
- Hórin says, "Curses! We will have to deal with Gorgar another day. The hobgoblins approach!"
- Hórin: 'The hobgoblins and our own forces are approaching! Be ready for a battle!'