Quest:Rest for a Weary Shield-maiden

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Rest for a Weary Shield-maiden
Level 85
Type Solo
Starts with Orc-corpse
Starts at Grimnesberg
Start Region Wildermore
Map Ref [31.7S, 62.0W]
Ends with Auto-complete
Ends at Grimnesberg
End Region Wildermore
Map Ref [31.7S, 62.0W]
Quest Group Wildermore: High Knolls
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

Cyneberg has reclaimed Grimnesberg, but is now exhausted. You should burn the corpses of the Orcs she killed as she fought through the town.


Cyneberg has reclaimed Grimnesberg, but is now exhausted. You should burn the corpses of the Orcs she killed as she fought through the town.

Objective 1

  • Burn Orc-corpses (0/8)

Orc-corpses can be found throughout Grimnesberg.

You should burn the Orcs that Cyneberg slaughtered.

Burned an Orc-corpse (8/8)

Objective 2

  • Completed

You have cleaned up Grimnesberg after Cyneberg's heroic efforts to drive out the Orcs.