Heavy Shoulder Armour (Level 141-150) Index

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Name Min Level Item Level Armour Stats

 Forged Plated Pauldrons 141 503
+848 Vitality, +3325 Finesse Rating, +2136 Physical Mitigation,
+874 Vitality, +3416 Finesse Rating, +2180 Physical Mitigation,
 Reinforced Iron Pauldrons 150 512
+2490 Finesse Rating, +3113 Physical Mitigation,
+2550 Finesse Rating, +3171 Physical Mitigation,


Name Min Level Item Level Armour Stats

 Salvaged Iron Pauldrons 141* 501 3,385 +855 Might, +823 Vitality, +4106 Physical Mastery, +6796 Block
 Reinforced Chain Pauldrons 148* 509 3,669 +952 Might, +924 Vitality, +4471 Physical Mastery, +7563 Block
 Bolstered Iron Pauldrons of the Eagle 150 512 4,454 +1,321 Might, +1,609 Vitality, +4661 Tactical Mitigation, +540 Fate
 Engraved Iron Pauldrons of the Eagle 150 512 4,454 +1,321 Might, +1,609 Vitality, +4661 Tactical Mitigation, +5227 Parry
 Polished Iron Pauldrons of the Eagle 150 512 4,454 +1,321 Might, +1,609 Vitality, +4658 Critical Rating, +6214 Finesse

Note: Items with a * on the Min Level are quest rewards that do not have a minimum level. The level listed is the level of the quest.

Additional Information

Stats in item indexes are abbreviated according to this guide.

Heavy Armour is crafted by Metalsmiths.