Dunland Deeds

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The following deeds are located under the Dunland tab of the Eriador page of the Deed Log.


Dunland Deeds Overview
Deed Type Virtue Experience Title LP Rep Faction Details
Deeds of Dunland Meta +2000 Master of the Untamed Lands 10 900 Men of Dunland Complete all deeds in Dunland
Explorer of Dunland Meta +2000 Explorer of Dunland 10 900 Men of Dunland Complete all explorer deeds In Dunland
Slayer of Dunland Meta +2000 Foe-bane of Dunland 10 900 Men of Dunland Complete all slayer deeds in Dunland
Exploring Carreglyn Explorer +2000 5 500 Men of Dunland Find 7 points of interest in Carreglyn
Exploring Pren Gwydh Explorer +2000 5 500 Men of Dunland Find 6 points of interest in Pren Gwydh
Exploring Starkmoor Explorer +2000 5 500 Men of Dunland Find 6 points of interest in Starkmoor
Exploring the Bonevales Explorer +2000 5 500 Men of Dunland Find 5 points of interest in the Bonevales
Exploring the Dunbog Explorer +2000 5 500 Men of Dunland Find 5 points of interest in the Dunbog
Exploring Trum Dreng Explorer +2000 5 500 Men of Dunland Find 6 points of interest in Trum Dreng
Quests in Carreglyn Quest +2000 5 700 Men of Dunland Complete 23 quests in Carreglyn
Quests in Pren Gwydh Quest +2000 5 700 Men of Dunland Complete 27 quests in Pren Gwydh
Quests in the Bonevales Quest +2000 5 700 Men of Dunland Complete 30 quests in Bonevales
Quests in the Dunbog Quest +2000 5 700 Men of Dunland Complete 25 quests in the Dunbog
Quests in the Starkmoor Quest +2000 5 700 Men of Dunland Complete 24 quests in the Starkmoor
Quests in Trum Dreng Quest +2000 5 700 Men of Dunland Complete 32 quests in Trum Dreng
Tracking an Old Goat Quest +2000 5 700 Men of Dunland Complete all quests for Tracking an Old Goat
Beast-slayer Slayer 5 500 Men of Dunland Defeat 100 wild beasts in Dunland
Beast-slayer (Advanced) Slayer +2000 5 700 Men of Dunland Defeat 200 wild beasts in Dunland
Craban-slayer Slayer 5 500 Men of Dunland Defeat 50 Crebain in Dunland
Craban-slayer (Advanced) Slayer +2000 5 700 Men of Dunland Defeat 100 Crebain in Dunland
Dunlending-slayer Slayer 5 500 Men of Dunland Defeat 100 Dunlendings in Dunland
Dunlending-slayer (Advanced) Slayer +2000 5 700 Men of Dunland Defeat 200 Dunlendings in Dunland
Goblin-slayer Slayer 5 500 Men of Dunland Defeat 100 Goblins in Dunland
Goblin-slayer (Advanced) Slayer +2000 5 700 Men of Dunland Defeat 200 Goblins in Dunland
Half-orc Slayer Slayer 5 500 Men of Dunland Defeat 100 Half-orcs in Dunland
Half-orc Slayer (Advanced) Slayer +2000 5 700 Men of Dunland Defeat 200 Half-orcs in Dunland
Orc-slayer Slayer 5 500 Men of Dunland Defeat 100 Orcs in Dunland
Orc-slayer (Advanced) Slayer +2000 5 700 Men of Dunland Defeat 200 Orcs in Dunland
Slayer of the Dead Slayer 5 500 Men of Dunland Defeat 100 of the Dead in Dunland
Slayer of the Dead (Advanced) Slayer +2000 5 700 Men of Dunland Defeat 200 of the Dead in Dunland
Uruk-hai Slayer Slayer 5 500 Men of Dunland Defeat 100 Uruk-hai in Dunland
Uruk-hai Slayer (Advanced) Slayer +2000 5 700 Men of Dunland Defeat 200 Uruk-hai in Dunland
Warg-slayer Slayer 5 500 Men of Dunland Defeat 100 Wargs in Dunland
Warg-slayer (Advanced) Slayer +2000 5 700 Men of Dunland Defeat 200 Wargs in Dunland
Totals: +50000 185 21,400
Théodred's Riders Deeds Overview
Deed Type Virtue Experience Title LP Rep Faction Details
Exploring Nan Curunír Explorer +2000 5 500 Théodred's Riders Find 6 points of interest in Nan Curunír
Exploring the Gravenwood Explorer +2000 5 500 Théodred's Riders Find 7 points of interest in the Gravenwood
Exploring the Heathfells Explorer +2000 5 500 Théodred's Riders Find 7 points of interest in the Heathfells
Exploring the Isendale Explorer +2000 5 500 Théodred's Riders Find 4 points of interest in the Isendale
Quests in Nan Curunír Quest +2000 5 700 Théodred's Riders Complete 25 quests in Nan Curunír
Quests in the Gravenwood Quest +2000 5 700 Théodred's Riders Complete 20 quests in the Gravenwood
Quests in the Heathfells Quest +2000 5 700 Théodred's Riders Complete 26 quests in the Heathfells
Quests in the Isendale Quest +2000 5 700 Théodred's Riders Complete 30 quests in the Isendales
Quests of Dunland Meta +2000 Pilgrim of Dunland 10 900 Théodred's Riders Complete all quests deeds in Dunland
The Gatekeepers of Isengard Slayer Gatecrasher 5 1,200 Théodred's Riders Defeat Ufdrágh and Barashal
Totals: +18000 55 6,900