Quest:Mission: The Goblin-town Gauntlet (Instance)

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Mission: The Goblin-town Gauntlet (Instance)
Level Scaling
Type Solo/Duo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Ausma
Starts at Annâk-khurfu (War Room)
Start Region Elderslade
Map Ref [32.8N, 61.2W]
Quest Group Mission
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

Goblin-town has long been a thorn in the side of the free peoples in Rhovanion. Once again, the goblin horde inside stirs....

Your mission is to block the goblin doors leading to the many tunnels inside Goblin-town.

 Twist: Never-ending


You have been tasked with blocking the doors leading to the many tunnels inside Goblin-town.

Objective 1

  • Block goblin-doors (10)

Block the doors leading to the many tunnels inside Goblin-town.

Blocked goblin doors (10/10)

A dwarf scout has arrived to escort you back to the war-front.

Dwarf Scout shouts, 'Great work, <name>! Now, let's get out of here!'
Dwarf Scout: 'Great work, <name>! Let us return and report your success to Scout-master Ausma!'