Quest:March on Gundabad: Missions for the Cause

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March on Gundabad: Missions for the Cause
Level Scaling
Type Solo
Repeatable Daily
Starts with Elóf
Starts at Annâk-khurfu (War Room)
Start Region Elderslade
Map Ref [32.8N, 61.2W]
Quest Group Elderslade: March on Gundabad
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

Elóf: 'We have need of your assistance in completing a series of missions for the on-going war effort.
'The Gabil'akkâ, the Unified Army of Dwarves, has been making headway towards Gundabad, but our troops are spread too thin to accomplish all that is needed to be done.
'Seek out and complete several of these missions to assist our efforts.'


The Gabil'akkâ, the Unified Army of Dwarves, has requested your assistance in completing a series of missions on their behalf.

Objective 1

  • Complete missions (3)

Seek out and complete several missions to assist the Gabil'akkâ.

Objective 2

  • Speak to Elóf

Seek out and speak to Elóf regarding your completion of several missions.

Elóf: 'We wish to thank you for your hard work towards the war effort. Your good deeds shall help secure our foothold into Gundabad itself!'