Quest:Better Days

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Better Days
Level 130
Type Solo
Starts with Mekhnet
Starts at Amdân, the Threshold
Start Region Azanulbizar, T.A. 2799
Map Ref [63.4N, 134.3W]
Quest Group Azanulbizar
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Well met, stranger. Come to join this lonely soul? I can't say there's much to report. I've spent the last few months waiting for my wounds to heal, so I've been carving.'

The dwarf holds up twin wooden cups.

'It passes the time well enough. I mean to keep one of these cups for myself. The other is for my wife.

'Hmm... you seem like a good listener, and I think our comrades would appreciate that. Why not seek out those who are resting here and talk with them a bit? Surely anything must be better than being alone with their thoughts.'


Happy memories are hard to come by during war. Mekhnet, an injured soldier, has a favour to ask.

Objective 1

  • Talk to resting soldiers (0/3)

Mekhnet has requested that you spend some time with soldiers who are resting around Amdân.

Resting Soldier: 'These years have not been kind to me, but I hope they have been kinder to my family.'

The dwarf shows you a piece of paper he's been sketching on. The rough drawing of a bright-eyed child smiles from the page.

'My daughter, or at least, how I remember her. I'll survive to see her again, mark my words.'
Resting Soldier: 'Share a drink? It's just water, but I mustn't drink anything heavier.
'So many soldiers miss their loved ones, but I miss the taste of ale. Not the ale we get here, but the ale from taverns. Tied to good memories, mostly. Drinking with friends.'

She sips some water.

'Ah well. Can't get everything we want.'
Resting Soldier: 'I have nothing to talk about, no family or friends left to speak of, but... come, sit with me.'

You sit next to him for several minutes. No words are exchanged, but the dwarf seems to find comfort in the relative silence that follows. Before you get up to leave, he nods in farewell.

Objective 2

  • Talk to Mekhnet

Mekhnet sits near the Kambráda encampment in the eastern part of Amdân. She might like to hear about how her fellow soldiers are doing.

Mekhnet: 'That was kind of you. THere is nothing wrong with reminiscing about better days during dark times. Say-- I think there's something you could help me with.'