Quest:An Explosive Job

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An Explosive Job
Level 130
Type Solo
Starts with Lúka
Starts at Ashmargathâl
Start Region Azanulbizar, T.A. 2799
Map Ref [69.5N, 133.4W]
Quest Group Azanulbizar
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'While you were gone, I discovered that the bombs' alchemical mixture uses bat droppings. The Orcs of Târ-kútoz have bats under their command... perhaps Thraunákh is closer than we thought.

'For now, however -- the Orcs hide caches of bombs in the unclaimed territory to the west, between Ashmargathâl and Târ-kútoz. There are already scouts out looking for the caches. I tried to join them, but they told me to stay back here and rest....

'Could you go in my stead? I trust that you're keen of eye and steady of hand. Dismantle and destroy any caches you come across.'


With the sapper-bomb's alchemical formula broken, it's time to destroy the Orcs' bomb caches.

Objective 1

  • Destroy bomb caches (0/8)

The Orcs hide bomb caches in the area between Ashmargathâl and Târ-kútoz.

Lúka has requested that you safely destroy any caches you find.

Objective 2

  • Talk to Lúka

You have scoured the area and destroyed all the bomb caches you could find.

You should return to Ashmargathâl and give Lúka the update.

Lúka: 'Look Hermáth! Mekhnet has returned to us! She said she's ready to be back on the field, but I told her she needed some rest first. She had to make her way up to us, after all!
'Yes, I know I was supposed to be resting too, but I couldn't! I didn't want to see anyone get hurt again, and my anxiety kept me alert. But now... I can rest easier knowing the Orcs won't have as many bombs on-hand.'