Quest:Caught Off-guard

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Caught Off-guard
Level 127
Type Solo
Starts with Rhadrog
Starts at Barad Elenath, the Star-gazers' Spire
Start Region Minas Morgul
Map Ref [66.8S, 0.9E]
Ends with Rhadrog
Ends at Barad Elenath, the Star-gazers' Spire
Quest Chain Imlad Morgul: Circle of Madness
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'<name>, after claiming this tower, I expected all of the Rangers to check in, but I have not seen or heard from several of them. They could be in danger! Please, search for them. They must still be in the Circle of Madness.'


Some of the Rangers are missing, and Rhadrog would like help searching for them.

Objective 1

  • Rescue ambushed Rangers (0/5)

Ambushed Rangers can be found in the Circle of Madness.

You should rescue ambushed Rangers.

Rescued ambushed Rangers (5/5)
Ambushed Ranger says, "Thank you, friend!"

Objective 2

Rhadrog is stationed inside Barad Elenath, the Star-gazers' Spire.

You should talk to Rhadrog.

Rhadrog: 'The missing Rangers are all accounted for, thanks to you! I think they learned their lesson around the merrevail: always keep an eye on the skies!'