Quest:Wizard in the Woods

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Wizard in the Woods
Level 118
Type Solo
Starts with Stráhek the Stout
Starts at Skarháld
Start Region Ered Mithrin
Map Ref [34.7N, 45.4W]
Ends with Radagast
Ends at Thornholt
End Region Ered Mithrin
Map Ref [32.9N, 47.6W]
Quest Group Dwarf-holds: Ered Mithrin
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

The Wizard! I saw him while collecting wood in Thornholt. He beckoned me closer, but I know better than to trust a strange wizard among the trees. He is dangerous, he must be! I, Stráhek the Stout, have too many expeditions to go on and wealth to gain to meet my end at the hands of some mad wizard!

'You may go see what he wants, if you wish to throw your life away. Not I!'


Stráhek the Stout retreated after encountering a wizard in Thornholt while collecting supplies.

Objective 1

  • Search for the wizard in the woods

You should search the Thornholt woods, south of Skarháld, for the odd wizard Stráhek the Stout encountered.

Objective 2

The wizard stands among the wood of Thornholt, south of Skarháld.

You should talk to the not so odd, actually familiar wizard in the woods.

'<name>! It is good to see you. Did that odd dwarf tell you I was here? What a strange fellow. I do not know whether I gave him a fright or offence. I had hardly started speaking when he turned and marched off. I really could have used some help!'