Quest:The Bane of Hunulf's Existence

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The Bane of Hunulf's Existence
Level 118
Type Solo
Starts with Hunulf
Starts at Skoghús
Start Region Ered Mithrin
Map Ref [31.8N, 49.8W]
Ends with Hunulf
Ends at Skoghús
End Region Ered Mithrin
Map Ref [31.3N, 47.9W]
Quest Group Dwarf-holds: Ered Mithrin
Quest Chain Stingers in the Thornholt
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

A particularly mischievous wolverine has stolen honey cakes from Hunulf on several occasions. He hopes for a just resolution to his problem.


A particularly mischievous wolverine has stolen honey cakes from Hunulf on several occasions.

Objective 1

You should find and defeat the wolverine.

Objective 2

You should return to Hunulf, who can be found in Skoghús, in the Thornholt woods.

Hunulf says: 'The mischievous creature has met its end? While I do not celebrate its demise, I am thankful for a just resolution.'