Quest:Cleansing Kêr Bréin

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Cleansing Kér Bréin
Level 118
Type Solo
Starts with Defeat any Ungoledain
Starts at Kêr Bréin
Start Region Ered Mithrin
Ends with Auto-complete
Quest Group Dwarf-holds: Ered Mithrin
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The Ungoledain have taken the old ruins at Kêr Bréin as their own and need to be defeated.


The Ungoledain have taken the old ruins at Kêr Bréin as their own.

Objective 1

  • Defeat Ungoledain (0/8)

You should defeat Ungoledain in the old ruins at Kêr Bréin.

Objective 2

  • Complete


Many of the Ungoledain at Kêr Bréin have been defeated.