Quest:Vengeance in Kind

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Vengeance in Kind
Level 130
Type Small Fellowship
Starts with Mézto
Starts at Azgh-buzru, the War-fell
Start Region The War of Three Peaks
Map Ref [94.7S, 20.6W]
Ends with Mézto
Ends at Drenghól
End Region The War of Three Peaks
Map Ref [94.9S, 19.8W]
Quest Group Elderslade: The War of Three Peaks
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'<name>! What are you doing here? Leave me to my work!'

Mézto takes a crude medallion from a fallen Orc. You notice what appears to be a severed dwarf-beard gripped in his other hand.

'Gorgar is cunning... for an Orc. His slimy ilk have ripped and torn the beards from my fallen kin and kept them as trophies. Trophies! There can be no greater insult!

'If the Lord of the Iron Hills has sent you, I shall not scoff at the prospect of spilling more Orc-blood. Reclaim what they have taken from us, and collect their own 'medallions' in kind. If Gorgar wishes to count the dead, he shall suffer to find scores of his own among them!

'[Dwarf: I have been quick to judge you Longbeards. Perhaps too quick. In truth, I see the fury of the Zhélruka in your hearts!] [non-Dwarf: Say what you will of the Longbeards and these Stout-axes, I see the fury of the Zhélruka in their hearts! Is it in yours as well?]

'When our vengeance is done, let us meet in Drenghól. Go!'


After discovering the Gorgar's forces have begun to claim trophies from fallen dwarves, Mézto seeks vengeance on behalf of the Zhélruka of the Gabil'akkâ.

Objective 1

  • Collect 'medallions' of Gorgar at Azgh-buzru (0/15)
  • Collect dwarf-beard trophies at Azgh-buzru (0/8)

Dwarf-beards are kept as trophies by Orcs at Azgh-buzru. Medallions are carried by Orcs, trolls, and goblins loyal to Gorgar the Ruthless at Azgh-buzru.

Mézto has asked you to reclaim dwarf-beards taken as trophies by the forces of Gundabad. In addition, Mézto has asked you to collect the crude medallions carried by those loyal to Gorgar the Ruthless.

Collected 'medallions' of Gorgar (15/15)
Collected dwarf-beard trophies (8/8)

Objective 2

Mézto can be found at Drenghól in the War of Three Peaks.

You have collected many trophies from the forces of Gundabad. You should deliver them to Mézto at Drenghól.

Mézto: 'Is your vengeance done? May you have found as much joy in it as I did.
'Give me what you have collected and I shall see that all of it is borne to Zarkul-sulûn.
'I shall not forget what you have done for the Zhélruka this day.'