Quest:Angmarim Upon the Battlefield

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Angmarim Upon the Battlefield
Level 130
Type Solo
Starts with Defeat Angmarim
Starts at The War of Three Peaks
Start Region The War of Three Peaks
Quest Group Elderslade: The War of Three Peaks
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

Angmarim have sworn allegiance to the Orkish forces of Gundabad to them in times of war. You must defeat any Angmarim that you come across upon the battlefield to secure victory for the Gabilakkâ.


Angmarim have sworn allegiance to the Orkish forces of Gundabad and assist them in times of war.

Objective 1

  • Defeat Angmarim upon the battlefield (1/14)

Angmarim can be found upon the battlefield.

You should defeat any Angmarim you find upon the battlefield.

You have defeated many Angmarim upon the battlefield and have done a great service to the war efforts.