Quest:A Master of Two Minds

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A Master of Two Minds
Level 130
Type Small Fellowship
Starts with Náin the Slakeless
Starts at Drenghól
Start Region The War of Three Peaks
Map Ref [94.9S, 19.8W]
Quest Group Elderslade: The War of Three Peaks
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Now then, onto the matter at hand!

'My scouts have discovered that the forces at Bagûd-mekhem are being led by none other than a two-headed troll known as Narg-and-Mauz. It is our assumption that his... their... considerable stature allowed them to broker the uneasy alliance we've observed between Gorgar's Orcs and the Frost-horde at Bagûd-mekhem. However, I believe that if Narg-and-Mauz were not keeping their smaller subjects in line, that delicate peace would shatter like Orc-skulls beneath our axes!

'<name>, I need you to gather your allies and make for the deepest reaches of Bagûd-mekhem. Put an end to Narg-and-Mauz for the glory of the Gabil'akkâ!'


After brokering an uneasy alliance between the forces of Gorgar the Ruthless and Hrímil Frost-heart, a powerful two-headed troll, Narg-and-Mauz, has taken command of the forces at Bagûd-mekhem.

Objective 1

Narg-and-Mauz can be found deep within Bagûd-mekhem.

Náin has commanded you to defeat Narg-and-Mauz, the powerful two-headed troll that leads the forces at Bagûd-mekhem.

With a thunderous crash, Narg-and-Mauz]] falls defeated!

Objective 2

Náin the Slakeless can be found at Drenghól in the War of Three Peaks.

You have defeated Narg-and-Mauz. You should report to Náin with news of this victory.

Náin the Slakeless: 'Ha-ha! Well done, <name>!
'Without Narg-and-Mauz to keep the peace at Bagûd-mekhem, it is likely that the Orcs' in-fighting will soon do our work for us! I only regret I could not join you in battle.
'Such are the demands of leadership... but I will have many words for King Thorin if Prince Durin thinks to keep me from the battle at the gates of Mount Gundabad!'