Quest:Stoors for the Winter

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Stoors for the Winter
Level 62
Type Solo
Starts with Caradog Henbuch
Starts at Maur Tulhau
Start Region Enedwaith
Map Ref [62.1S, 23.0W]
Quest Group Enedwaith
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

Hobbits: 'Well now, you must be <name>, our cousin from the north. I've heard of that marvelous weed you've brought us...I must say I can't wait to try it for myself.

'In the meantime, could ye help me? We're running short of meat for the winter stores, and our hunters are too frightened to go for more. Would you hunt some of the white stags out in the woods and bring it back to me here? I would be mighty appreciative.'

Other races: 'Ye are the spirit/giant duvodiad Rhus has taken a fancy to? Well, ye don't look too impressive to me. Nevertheless, I'll give ye a chance to prove me wrong.

'Winter is coming on, and it looks to be bad this year. We're running short of meat, and our hunters are too afraid to go for more. Go hunt the white stags of the Gloomglens and bring the meat to me...then we'll talk more.'


Caradog Henbuch is the village butcher of Maur Tulhau. As winter approaches, he finds himself in greater need of meat for the village's stores.

Objective 1

White stags can be found wandering throughout the Gloomglens in Enedwaith.

Caradog Henbuch has asked you to hunt white stags and bring him the meat.

Caradog Henbuch: 'The white stags of the Gloomglens have a strange taste to them, but we prize their meat nonetheless when winter comes.'

Objective 2

Caradog Henbuch is at Maur Tulhau in the Gloomglens of Enedwaith.

You should bring the meat you collected back to Caradog Henbuch.

Caradog Henbuch: (Hobbits) 'Well now... that was a brave thing for sure! Not many would dare to hunt the white stags...they say the stags are the prey of the Rhi Helvarch, and he wouldn't like his sport interrupted.'
(Other races): 'Well now...perhaps ye aren't so bad after all! Not many would dare to hunt the white stags...they say the stags are the prey of the Rhi Helvarch. and he wouldn't like his sport interrupted.'