Quest:Meet the Stoors

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Meet the Stoors
Level 62
Type Solo
Starts with Rhus Cornchúthur
Starts at Gloomglens
Start Region Enedwaith
Map Ref [63.1S, 23.0W]
Ends with Iolo Brochtû
Ends at Maur Tulhau
End Region Enedwaith
Map Ref [62.0S, 22.9W]
Quest Group Enedwaith
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

Elves: 'We've been afeared of Tulwulh-gwirod for a long time, <name> that he's gone, we'll all sleep better at night, for sure!

'I've sent word to Iolo Brochtû, our Maer, and he wishes to meet the good spirit what saved us. Perhaps ye can be of further aid to my folk! Maer Brochtû resides in our village, down the path to the north-west.'

Hobbits: 'This Longbottom Leaf is amazing thing! The seeds ye have given me will be put to immediate use!

'I've sent word to Iolo Bochtû, our Maer, and he wishes to meet ye. Perhaps ye can be of further aid to my folk, cousin! Maer Brochtû resides in our village, down the path to the north-west.'

Race of Man: 'We've been afeared of Gavar-diavol for a long time, <name> that he's gone, we'll all sleep better at night!

'I've sent word to Iolo Brochtû, our Maer, and he wishes to meet the giant what saved us. Perhaps ye can be of further aid to my folk! Maer Brochtû resides in our village, down the path to the north-west.'

Dwarves: 'We've been afeared of Enaid-helgi for a long time, <name> that he's gone, we'll all sleep better at night, for sure!

'I've sent word to Iolo Brochtû, our Maer, and he wishes to meet the Stone-eater what saved us. Perhaps ye can be of further aid to my folk! Maer Brochtû resides in our village, down the path to the north-west.'


Rhus Cornchúthur, impressed by your performance of the task he set you, has recommended you to Iolo Brochtû, the mayor of Maur Tulhau.

Objective 1

Iolo Brochtû resides at a large house at the end of the road leading into Maur Tulhau, north-west from Rhus Cornchúthur.

Rhus Cornchúthur told you to speak with the mayor, Iolo Brochtû.

Rhus Cornchúthur:
(Elves) 'I'm not sure but what the maer might be frightened by ye yet, Duvodiad.'
(Hobbits) 'I'm sure Maer Brochtû will be pleased to meet ye!'
(Race of Man) 'I'm not sure but what the maer might be frightened by ye yet, Duvodiad.'
(Dwarves) 'I'm not sure but what the maer might be frightened by ye yet, Duvodiad.'
Iolo Brochtû:
(Elves) 'Rhus seems quite taken with ye, Duvodiad, but we've not dealt with many folk other than our own. You'll have to do more to prove yourself to me.'
(Hobbits) 'Rhus told me of the amazing gift ye presented to us! We'll plant the seeds immediately...I cannot wait to smoke the weed! In the meantime, we could use your help....'
(Race of Man) 'Rhus seems quite taken with ye, Duvodiad, but we've not dealt with many folk other than our own. You'll have to do more to prove yourself to me.'
(Dwarves) 'Rhus seems quite taken with ye, Duvodiad, but we've not dealt with many folk other than our own. You'll have to do more to prove yourself to me.'