Quest:Miraculous Growth

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Miraculous Growth
Level 62
Type Solo
Starts with Iago Glennudh
Starts at Maur Tulhau
Start Region Enedwaith
Map Ref [62.5S, 23.1W]
Quest Group Enedwaith
[hide]Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

(Hobbits): 'Maer Brochtû has sent me some of those seeds ye brought, <name>. I can't wait to harvest my first crop of weed. Of course, no one thought to ask ye how to make one of those fancy pipes to smoke it in.

'Well, if ye would like to be of assistance to me, I have a task for ye, though I'm ashamed to ask it, as it's certainly below ye, I'm sure. I'm considered the most respected farmer in Maur Tulhau, and that's because I know what it takes to grow vegetables.

'Aye, ye know what I mean, I see...and it's a dirty job. Boar-droppings, Duvodiad, that's what I need. Ye can find them just have to look.'

(Elves): 'Ha! A spirit, indeed...why, if you're a spirit, why can I touch ye?.

'Well, if ye want to be put to use, ye could gather fertilizer for me. I'm considered the most respected farmer in Maur Tulhau, and that's because I know what it takes to grow vegetables.

'Aye, ye know what I mean, I see...or ye think you do. Boar-droppings, Duvodiad, that's what I need. Ye can find them just have to look.'

(Race of Man): 'Ha! A giant, indeed...I've seen the Rhi Helvarch at night hunting the white elk, and you've naught on him for height.

'Well, if ye want to be put to use, ye could gather fertilizer for me. I'm considered the most respected farmer in Maur Tulhau, and that's because I know what it takes to grow vegetables.

'Aye, ye know what I mean, I see...or ye think you do. Boar-droppings, Duvodiad, that's what I need. Ye can find them just have to look.'

(Dwarves): 'Ha! A Stone-eater,'ve the look of a giant Stoor. I doubt your teeth could handle a pebble, much less a good solid rock.

'Well, if ye want to be put to use, ye could gather fertilizer for me. I'm considered the most respected farmer in Maur Tulhau, and that's because I know what it takes to grow vegetables.

'Aye, ye know what I mean, I see...or ye think you do. Boar-droppings, Duvodiad, that's what I need. Ye can find them just have to look.'


Iago Glennudh is one of the most respected farmers of Maur Tulhau.

Objective 1

Boar-droppings can be found throughout the Gloomglens.

Iago Glennudh has asked you to gather boar-droppings for use as fertilizer.

Iago Glennudh: 'Boar-droppings...that's the secret!'

Objective 2

Iago Glennudh is at Maur Tulhau in the Gloomglens of Enedwaith.

You should bring the boar-droppings you collected to Iago Glennudh.

Iago Glennudh: (Hobbits) 'Well now, you're not too proud to do the dirty work, <name>...I must say that I'm impressed! You'll get the work done what needs to be done!'
(Elves): 'Well now, you're not too proud to do the dirty work, Duvodiad...I must say that I'm impressed!'
(Race of Man): 'Well now, you're not too proud to do the dirty work, Duvodiad...I must say I'm impressed!'

(Dwarves): pending