Quest:Making a Point

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Making a Point
Level 62
Type Solo
Starts with Rhosun Turio
Starts at Maur Tulhau
Start Region Enedwaith
Map Ref [62.2S, 23.1W]
Quest Group Enedwaith
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

Hobbits: 'Ho must be that northern cousin what brought us the wondrous smoking weed. I'm very pleased to meet ye. Might ye have a moment to speak with me?

'I'm an artist, you see, and need materials for my work. I make art from the antlers of the white stags. Unfortunately, I usually have to settle with ivory that our hunters collect from stags which the Rhi Helvarch has slain...they are too afraid to hunt the stags themselves.

'If ye could hunt some of the white stags and bring me their antlers...well, I would be mighty grateful.'

Elves, Race of Man and Dwarves: 'Ho there...are ye that spirit/giant/Stone-eater Rhus Cornchúthur befriended? I can't say I approve...what should we have to do with duvodiad? Well, while you're here, I suppose I could make use of ye.

'I'm an artist, you see, and need materials for my work. I make art from the antlers of the white stags. Unfortunately, I usually have to settle with ivory that our hunters collect from stags which the Rhi Helvarch has slain...they are too afraid to hunt the stags themselves.

'If ye could hunt some of the white stags and bring me their antlers...well, ye might make more of an impression on me.'


Rhosun Turio is an artist in Maur Tulhau who works with stag-ivory scrimshaw.

Objective 1

White stags can be found throughout the Gloomglens in Enedwaith.

Rhosun Turio has asked you to collect stag-antlers for her to continue her scrimshaw.

Rhosun Turio:
(Hobbits) 'Have ye found such antlers as I need, Cousin?'
(Elves) 'Have ye found such antlers as I need, Spirit?'
(Race of Man) 'Have ye found such antlers as I need, Giant?'
(Dwarves) 'Have ye found such antlers as I need, Stone-eater?'

Objective 2

Rhosun Turio can be found in Maur Tulhau in the Gloomglens of Enedwaith.

You should bring the stag-antlers you collected back to Rhosun Turio.

Rhosun Turio: 'Oh my! These antlers are most beautiful...they will become more beautiful yet at my hand!
(Hobbits) 'Thank ye, cousin! You've proven a true friend.'
(Other races) 'Thank ye, Duvodiad! You've proven your worthiness to me.'