Quest:Make Safe the Gorge

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Make Safe the Gorge
Level 150
Type Solo
Starts with Shukûri
Starts at Gorge of Woe
Start Region Urash Dâr
Map Ref [22.3S, 56.9W]
Quest Group Ikorbân Valley: Urash Dâr
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'If you can spare the effort, I could use your help to clear out the Gorge of Woe.

'I am making my preparations to leave this place, and the path is no longer safe now that it has become infested with dangers. I ask that you rid the area of the wasps and sandstorms that reside here while I finish what I must do.'


Shukûri in the Gorge of Woe has asked you to help her with thinning the number of wasps and sandstorms in the area.

Objective 1

Shukûri has asked you to thin the numbers of wasps and sandstorms within the Gorge of Woe.

Defeated Urâshi sandstorms (4/4)
Defeated Urâshi wasps (8/8)

Objective 2

Return to Shukûri in the Gorge of Woe and let her know that you have thinned the number of enemies in the area.

Shukûri: 'I see you have returned from the Gorge of Woe.
'I thank you for your help with this, <class>. My journey is now much safer because of your actions this day. I must finish my preparations now as I have a long road ahead.'