Quest:Into Enemy Territory

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Into Enemy Territory
Level 150
Type Solo
Starts with Shukûri
Starts at Gorge of Woe
Start Region Urash Dâr
Map Ref [22.3S, 56.9W]
Quest Group Ikorbân Valley: Urash Dâr
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'<class>, I need your help dealing with the dangers emerging from the demon-pit.

'Their numbers are many and we must put a stop to their advances. To the north of here, near Utug-bûr, you will find two of their camps by the entrance. Sar-kidul to the north-west and Ab-dâna to the south-east of it.

'If you are willing, I ask that you travel there and see what you can discover. Defeating any Orcs you see would be welcomed as well.'


Shukûri in the Gorge of Woe has asked you to scout out the camps to the north near Utug-bûr and defeat any Orcs you find there.

Objective 1

Shukûri has asked that you go to Sar-kidul and Ab-dâna to the north near Utug-bûr to see what you find and defeat any Orcs you encounter there.

Defeated Orcs in Ab-dâna (6/6)
Defeated Orcs in Sar-kidul (6/6)

Objective 2

Return to Shukûri in the Gorge of Woe to inform her you have reduced the number of Orcs in the camps near Utug-bûr.

Shukûri: 'I am glad to see you have returned safely.'
You inform Shukûri of what you have seen at the camps near Utug-bûr.
'That confirms my fears. The threat here is overwhelming and may even threaten Gondor if we cannot halt or even slow their advance.
'I thank you for your help. We now know more about our foes.'