Quest:Striking Their Supplies

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Striking Their Supplies
Level 150
Type Solo
Starts with Galâmka
Starts at Ub Nishir
Start Region Urash Dâr
Map Ref [23.2S, 62.7W]
Quest Group Ikorbân Valley: Urash Dâr
Quest Chain Retaking Maurûsh
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Ah, <class>, welcome. We can now make use of the information that was in the report you retrieved from Zukhal.

'Her report has made known where the Orcs are keeping their supplies. If we can sabotage those then we can greatly weaken them.'

Galâmka indicates to locations on the map indicating two locations.

'Zukhal marked these areas, one in the north of Maurûsh, and one to the west. I ask of you to make your way to these locations and do what you can to disrupt their supplies in the stronghold.'


Galâmka has asked you to sabotage the supplies the Orcs are using in Maurûsh.

Objective 1

Find the supplies the Orcs are using in the northern area of Maurûsh.

Found the northern Orc supplies

Objective 2

  • Sabotage Orc supplies (0/4)

Sabotage the Orc supplies you have found in the northern area of Maurûsh.

Sabotaged Orc supplies (4/4)

Objective 3

  • Find the Orc supplies in the western part of Maurûsh

Find the supplies the Orcs are using in the western area of Maurûsh.

Found the western Orc supplies

Objective 4

  • Sabotage Orc supplies (0/4)

Sabotage the Orc supplies you have found in the western area of Maurûsh.

Sabotaged Orc supplies (4/4)

Objective 5

Return to Galâmka in Ub Nishir and inform him of your success.

Galâmka: 'I hear reports again of your success in Maurûsh! You amaze me again, my friend. We are unstoppable with you on our side!
'The Orcs have lost much thanks to you. There is still more that we must do to prepare, so I ask that you rest and return when you are ready.'