Quest:Lost Hoard

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Lost Hoard
Level 150
Type Solo
Starts with Galâmka
Starts at Ub Nishir
Start Region Urash Dâr
Map Ref [23.2S, 62.7W]
Quest Group Ikorbân Valley: Urash Dâr
Quest Chain Retaking Maurûsh
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Ah, good, you have returned. There is still much I need to learn from the reports that you brought back. I have another task that needs your help, as we are beginning to run low on supplies in our camp here at Ub Nishir.

'I believe I know where we can get some more, but I warn you: it may be dangerous.

'When the Orcs flooded into Maurûsh and we were forced to flee, we left behind much of our stores. I believe that these stores remain intact, we only need someone to reclaim them. I ask for that someone to be you <class>. Go to these stores and bring back what supplies you can.'


Galâmka has asked you to retrieve supplies that were left behind in Maurush and bring them to Ub Nishir.

Objective 1

Gather the lost supplies for Galâmka from within Maurûsh.

Collected lost supplies in Maurûsh (6/6)

Objective 2

Deliver the recovered supplies to Galâmka in Ub Nishir to the north of Maurûsh.

Galâmka: 'Were you able to find success in Maurûsh?'
You give the supplies you had recovered to Galâmka.
'Aha! You have! This will be a great relief for the people here. I thank you for this, <class>.
'If you wish to help more, I have made our plans with the information gathered from the scouting reports you retrieved. Return to me when you are ready and we can discuss them further.'