Quest:Luilloth, Princess-regent of Cardolan

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Luilloth, Princess-regent of Cardolan
Level 24
Type Solo
Starts with Rhiangar
Starts at Crossway House
Start Region Cardolan
Map Ref [50.3S, 44.9W]
Ends with Rhiangar
Ends at Southern Andrath
End Region Cardolan
Map Ref [42.3S, 48.2W]
Quest Group Cardolan
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'My father was the main reason I returned, but he is correct in that I would have come back on my own now as well. I have been doing research into an ancient ruler of this land, Luilloth. Long ago, she served as princess-regent when her son was too young to take the throne. Luilloth was beloved by her people, and under her rule the land prospered.

'Cardolan was once a great and powerful place, with princes and princesses, knights and guild masters! Now, it is ruins, spirits, and dangerous creatures. The wild has taken back the rolling hills, the once great walls of fortresses are overgrown and being reclaimed by the Old Forest.

'Will you listen to my tale of Luilloth?'


Thousands of years ago, a princess put the dead to rest and saved the realm. Along the way, however, she lost everything.

Objective 1

  • Talk to Rhiangar to hear her tale of Luilloth

Rhiangar Nevit has asked you to listen to her tale of Luilloth.

Rhiangar can be found in Crossway House, the inn of Herne.

Rhiangar 'Luilloth was princess-regent of Cardolan thousands of years ago. She was known for her bravery, and for the kindness and wisdom with which she ruled while acting as regent until her son came of age. Not much of her story remains, however, but my mother told me tales of her when I was young. You see, my mother had travelled up to Dol Ernil before I was born. There, she read an inscription on the base of an ancient statue that said that Luilloth banished a scourge of wraiths that plagued the land.
'Father has shooed me away, and it turns out there is not much I can do here at the moment. I cannot safely travel within Dol Ernil, but I must know what is on the base of the statue! Perhaps it can help us understand what is happening now in Cardolan. Please! Let us go to Dol Ernil! I shall have to wait by the road where it's safer, but you could easily search for the statue.

Objective 2

Rhiangar Nevit has asked you to meet her near Dol Ernil.

Dol Ernil is in north-western Cardolan

Rhiangar 'Thank you for meeting me here! The statue of Luilloth is said to be among these ruins. I dare not tread there myself, but you are certainly capable and will be in far less danger, I am sure. Please look for the statue!
Rhiangar smiles as she sees you.

Objective 3

  • Search for the statue of Luilloth

Rhiangar Nevit has asked you to find a statue of Luilloth in Dol Ernil and to examine its base for clues. The statue of Luilloth is in Dol Ernil.

A plaque reads, 'Luilloth, princess, mother, wife, champion.' Behind the plaque, you find a scroll

Objective 4

  • Bring the scroll to Rhiangar

Upon examining the statue of Luilloth you discovered an ancient scroll! You should bring the scroll to Rhiangar.

Rhiangar is by the roadside, near Dol Ernil.

Rhiangar 'You return! I am glad to see you again, friend. What have you there?'

She takes the scroll from your outstretched hand and unrolls it carefully.

'This is incredible. Absolutely incredible. I can read some of it, but most of the words are so old, and I cannot make them out or decipher them. I recognize Luilloth's name, though! This scroll is about her, I am sure of it!'