Quest:Family Matters
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Level | 27 |
Type | Solo |
Starts with | Henbran |
Starts at | Henbran's Cottage |
Start Region | Cardolan |
Map Ref | [37.5S, 55.4W] |
Ends with | Cedrach |
Ends at | Cedrach's Cottage |
End Region | Cardolan |
Map Ref | [41.4S, 56.5W] |
Quest Group | Cardolan |
Quest Chain |
Deeds InvolvedThe Deciphered Scroll Completes The Ravaging of Cardolan.
Rewards |
Quest Text | |
Bestowal dialogue'Very well. You did as I asked. I will allow you to ask in turn. What is it that you want from me?' You explain your search for information about Luilloth. 'Luilloth? How old do you think I am!? I am no Elf, to live thousands of years! ...Now that I think on it, however, the name does dredge up some old memories.' Henbran ponders, her wrinkled face crinkling even more as she thinks. 'Yes, I do recall Luilloth having some dealings with my great ancestor. But I cannot help you. The knowledge of what they spoke is lost. Stolen! By my wicked sister, Cedrach the Cruel. T'was she who stole the Amon Grimoire - the book of secrets my family has passed down for generations. Among its pages I recall an account of the Lady Luilloth, but what she came here for, I no longer recall. Time has stolen my memories, my sister has stolen the account. Along with so very much more! She left me, you know. All alone in this dark forest. An old woman with no one. So lonely beneath the black branches, so alone! So very alone!' She pauses dramatically, as though hoping you might offer some words of comfort, but then she rushes on before you are able to speak. 'She lives down by the Brandywine, so perhaps the grimoire is not wholly lost. I have never been to her new home, which I am sure is a hovel. I am too old to make the journey, she made sure to be far enough away to ensure that! You could go looking for the book, to get your answers. If you seize it back, bring it to me! I would reward you greatly! But beware of my sister, <class>. She has had decades to study the grimoire. Who knows what dark powers she now wields.' BackgroundRhiangar is convinced answers can be found by speaking with an ancient hag who resides in the gloomy Old Forest. Objective 1
Henbran Amon has suggested you retrieve the Amon family grimoire from her sister, Cedrach the Cruel. Cedrach lives in the Old Forest, in Cardolan.
Objective 2
Cedrach Amon has asked you to gather willow bark, yarrow, and slippery cap mushrooms while she searches her cottage for the trunk. You should look for these items in the Old Forest. Objective 3
You should bring the yarrow, willow bark, and mushrooms to Cedrach. Cedrach is in the Old Forest.