Quest:Khûd Zagin To Imhûlar

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Khûd Zagin To Imhûlar
Level 150
Type Solo
Starts with Amalíbi
Starts at Ghalbûru
Start Region Khûd Zagin
Map Ref [37.3S, 73.5W]
Ends with Numûru
Ends at Urmâkh
End Region Imhûlar
Map Ref [37.6S, 66.4W]
Quest Group Ikorbân Valley: Khûd Zagin
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Whether you stay in Khûd Zagin or move onward, know your efforts in our land will be remembered and spoken of, as is our tradition.'

She pauses.

'For all you've done here, I wonder, will you do more for the Shagâna?

'To the east, in Imhûlar, a warlord rises above all others. She presses the enemy at Kûr Anzar and consolidates forces to her banner like a warrior-queen of old.

'She stirs the hearts of the oppressed, and I would go to her were I not pledged to avenge my fallen family.

'If you still seek to aid the Shagâna, go east across the Bridge of Danagír and find Numûru, first lieutenant to the woman who would unite us. He will welcome your aid.'


Amalíbi, pleased with your assistance, suggests there are still more in Shagâna to assist. While she would rather you remain in Khûd Zagin, she suggests moving on to Imhûlar to aid the Shagâna there.

Objective 1

Amalíbi suggests you cross the Bridge of Danagír and seek Numûru. Numûru is the first lieutenant of a rising force who is rumoured among the Shagâna to be a warrior-queen of old reborn.

Numûru: 'We have heard of your exploits in Khûd Zagin. Are you here to lend your mettle to us now? If so, you are most welcome.'