Quest:An Oath to a Man

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An Oath to a Man
Level 150
Type Solo
Starts with Aitárshun[sic]
Starts at Shonith
Start Region Khûd Zagin
Map Ref [45.9S, 72.1W]
Quest Group Ikorbân Valley: Khûd Zagin
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Tharashil does too much. I am pleased she found you.

'I will tell you my tale and leave you a choice.

'Once, long ago, I made an oath to a man at a khânag north of this oasis. I made this oath after he risked his life for mine when an Ordâkhai soldier cast me off my oryx while I rode across the wild.

'When the man called me to see my debt through, I was unable. He perished at the hands of the Ordâkhai. I have mourned his passing and my failure since.

'He walks the ruins of the khanâg north and west of here and I would see him set to rest. I give this gift of water. Take this gift to his spirit.'


Aítarshun[sic] explained he failed to honour an oath to a man he knew. He knows the man's spirit is not at rest and wants to make amends before his time in the world is done.

Objective 1

Aítarshun asked you to help him fulfil an oath forsaken to a man who perished in the ruined khanâg north of Shonith. He gave you a phial of oasis water and bid you deliver it to the shade.

Wandering Shade: The shade halts its moaning and looks at your gift.
'Water. Water was his pledge. Water was his oath. He did not come when I called. I thirsted. I choked on the sand. I died.
'Now, as he passes from the world, he fulfils his oath.'
The spirit tilts the water back as if drinking.
'As I fade, so shall he....'

With the oath fulfilled the shade is appeased and can rest
Wandering Shade says, "I can rest... finally."

Objective 2

The shade faded from existence. The man is at peace, though it was displeased with Aítarshun. Return to the Elf at Shonith and tell him what occurred.

Aitárshun: 'All is as it should be. He is right. I made an oath to that man. I made an oath that I did not honour, and so I needed to make amends before I could fade, and I have; thanks to you.
'Return to Tharashil. Tell her I am prepared.'