Quest:Chapter 8.3: In Memory of the Forge-master
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Level | 137 |
Type | Solo |
Starts with | Slagvi |
Starts at | Maergrind, the Noble Gate |
Start Region | Máttugard |
Map Ref | [49.3S, 112.0W] |
Ends with | Slagvi |
Ends at | Abkân'aban, the Stone of Wakening |
End Region | Gloomingtarn |
Map Ref | [44.9S, 120.8W] |
Quest Group | The Legacy of Durin and the Trials of the Dwarves: Chapter 8 |
Quest Chain |
Previous: The Legacy of Durin and the Trials of the Dwarves: Chapter 7
The Legacy of Durin and the Trials of the Dwarves: Chapter 8 Next: The Legacy of Durin and the Trials of the Dwarves: Chapter 9 |
Walkthrough & Notes |
Rewards |
Quest Text | |
Bestowal Dialogue'We will find the entrance to Gloomingtarn beyond the Orc-infested cavern of Deepscrave, to the west. Let us journey there and see if the warding-runes have kept the cultists from gaining entrance to that sacred site.' BackgroundSlagvi wants to honour the memory of Stóthkell by protecting the sacred lake of Gloomingtarn from the Angmarim, and has volunteered to accompany you there. Objective 1
Slagvi asked to meet with you at the entrance to Gloomingtarn from Deepscrave, where he fears the runestones warding passage to that sacred cavern may be threatened.
Objective 2
Slagvi stands beside the rune-stone wards at the entrance to Gloomingtarn.
Objective 3
Studying the stones on either side of the entrance may reveal what happened to the wards that once blocked passage to Gloomingtarn.
Objective 4
Slagvi stands at the entrance to Gloomingtarn, beside the broken wards.
Objective 5
Slagvi asked you to defeat any Angmarim cultists you find lurking within the cavern of Gloomingtarn.
Objective 6
Slagvi stands beside the lakeshore in the vast cavern, deep in thought.
Objective 7
Slagvi has asked you to look toward the Stone of Wakening, the island that stands in the lake.
Objective 8
Slagvi stands beside the lakeshore in the vast cavern, deep in thought.
Objective 9
The Wakening Stone stands in the middle of the lake in Gloomingtarn. Objective 10
It is said that Durin himself constructed the White Stone Forge and the Black Stone Anvil in the days after he first awoke.
Objective 11
Slagvi has come to the Stone of Wakening, and he is not happy.