Quest:Chapter 8.2: Broken Bones, Broken Hearts

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Chapter 8.2: Broken Bones, Broken Hearts
Level 137
Type Solo
Starts with Prince Durin
Starts at Maergrind, the Noble Gate
Start Region Máttugard
Map Ref [49.3S, 112.0W]
Ends with Slagvi
Ends at Maergrind, the Noble Gate
End Region Máttugard
Map Ref [49.3S, 112.0W]
Quest Group The Legacy of Durin and the Trials of the Dwarves: Chapter 8
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Vengeance will have to wait, though it pains me to say so! We must do something about our dead and wounded.

'Where is Búkk? We have need of your salves and poultices, your slings and bandages! <name>, find Búkk! Fire and flames, pox and bother! Where is Búkk?'


Gorgar's attack has left many dwarves of the Gabil'akkâ dead or wounded. If the conquest of Gundabad is to be successful, Prince Durin and those loyal to him must recover from this defeat, and resist despair.

Objective 1

Búkk is at Maergrind.

Durin asked you to collect salves and bandages from Búkk with which to heal the hurts of those dwarves who are not already beyond help.

Búkk: 'I am here, I am here!
'Gorgar will not escape retribution for this attack, but I fear we have sustained such losses that we may lack the fighters to hold the son of Bolg responsible! No, that cannot be. It must not be!
'Take these salves and bandages and bring them to any dwarves who need them. So many dead, so many wounded... I hope this will be enough, but I fear it will not be.'
Búkk hands you a bundle of salves and bandages

Objective 2

  • Treat as many wounded dwarves at Maergrind as you can

Longbeards and Zhélruka were wounded during Gorgar's attack, and many of them require treatment for their wounds.

Ingór: Prince Ingór refuses the bandage.
'I need it not,' he insists.
Slagvi thanks you for the bandage, wincing at the pain in his leg
Bósi refuses the bandage. 'I am merely winded,' he says
Glóin thanks you for the bandage
He scowls and accepts the salve. 'I suppose I need this,' he grumbles
He accepts the bandage with a grateful smile
Stóthkell has no further need of your help. The forge-master is dead

Objective 3

  • Return the remaining supplies to Búkk at Maergrind

Búkk is at Maergrind.

You have treated the dwarves you could, and should now return the remaining supplies to Búkk.

Búkk: 'Thank you for your quick action, friend. This haste may yet save some of our wounded from succumbing to their injuries and joining the list of the slain.
'Líkmund... Stóthkell... Thettmárr... too many dead at Gorgar's command.'

Objective 4

  • Talk to Durin at Maergrind

Durin is at Maergrind, furious at Gorgar's attack and grieving for the slain.

Durin: 'I am still angry, <name>, do not mistake me! But my rage, once white-hot, has cooled to a slow-burning ember. I will not allow it to push me into recklessness. Gorgar will pay for this, if not today then on the morrow. But you have a report for me from the vale of Câr Bronach? Tell me what you learned there; I will not let Gorgar's attack divert or delay our plans, and I would know what you discovered.'
You tell Durin that Angmarim cultists intend to use an artifact they rescued from Barad Gúlaran during the fall of Angmar Reborn to break the wards on Gloomingtarn.
'That cannot be allowed! That place is sacred, and must be protected from the cultists and Gorgar both! If you are willing, I ask you to go with Bósi of the Iron Garrison and put an end to that Angmarim mission.'
Slagvi limps over and begs the prince's pardon

Objective 5

Slagvi is at Maergrind.

Slagvi: 'My prince, I hope you will forgive this interruption and grant me this boon: may I accompany <name> on this task? I mourn for Stóthkell who perished at Gorgar's hands, and I wish to see to the safety of Gloomingtarn and the Wakening Stone that lies within. It is what the forge-master would want, and I desire to do right by his memory.'
Durin nods solemnly

Objective 6

  • Talk to Durin at Maergrind

Durin is at Maergrind.

Durin: 'Aye, Slagvi. Do this in memory of Stóthkell, and honour him. I will send Bósi to assist the two of you later.
'The Angmarim cannot be allowed to despoil the ground where my ancestor Durin first awoke. Keep them from staining Gloomingtarn with their steps of their foul magic, <name>.'

Objective 7

  • Talk to Slagvi at Maergrind

Slagvi is at Maergrind.

Slagvi: 'Thank you, my prince.
'<name>! The reason I must ask to accompany brings me no joy, but I am grateful that you and the prince allow it. It should be Forge-master Stóthkell who safeguards the Gloomingtarn, but he cannot, and I must do it in his stead.'