Slagvi (Dolven-view)
Slagvi is found at the Dolven-view in the Great Delving.
Quest Involvement
Slagvi (Annâk-khurfu)
Slagvi was not in Moria when the Iron Garrison fell, having returned to the Iron Hills. He has now come to Elderslade to aid in the retaking of Mount Gundabad. He can be found on the second level of the Keep of Annâk-khurfu before the War of Three Peaks begins and out on the battlefield alongside Bróin after the war begins.
Quest Involvement
Slagvi (Gundabad)
Slagvi is among those of the Gabil'akkâ who cross the Gates of Gundabad into the Mighty Court. He can be found briefly at Maergrind, the Noble Gate].
Quest Involvement