Quest:Chapter 10: To the Wold!

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Chapter 10: To the Wold!
Level 76
Type Solo
Starts with Mansig
Starts at Mansig's Encampment
Start Region The East Wall
Map Ref [52.1S, 51.3W]
Ends with Adnoth
Ends at Langhold
End Region The Wold
Map Ref [35.7S, 53.9W]
Quest Group Vol. III. Book 7
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'The four of you will need war-steeds if you are to have any hope of making good time on the plains of Rohan. Some of my men are returning to the Wold. You are welcome to go with them, if you like. Help my people at Langhold and Harwick, and you can have the war-steeds you need.'

You will automatically travel to Langhold in the Wold when you accept this quest.


You need to travel into Rohan in search of what remains of the Fellowship, but for that you will need to acquire war-steeds for your companions.

Objective 1

You have travelled with some of Mansig's riders to Langhold, in the Wold, in search of war-steeds for your companions.

Adnoth: 'Welcome to the Wold, <name>. You have need of war-steeds? Perhaps I can help you.'