Jim Skinner

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Jim Skinner
Image of Jim Skinner
Role Town Crier
Gender Male
Race Man
Region Bree-land
Settlement Bree
Landmark Market Square
Map Ref [30.2S, 51.0W]


Jim Skinner is found at the Market Square and he is Bree's Town Crier and he is much more active during events and festivals.


"Hello there! How may I help you today?"
"Lalia's Market is now open in Bree!"
"Visit Lalia's Market in Bree today for the finest clothing in all of Middle-earth!"
"Have you visited Lalia's Market lately? Visit Bree for all your threaded needs."
"The village of Aughaire is struggling to bear up on the continued assaults of Angmar and has asked for all able warriors to come to its defence!"

Town Criers appear in major towns and in homesteads promoting special festivals and events and inviting adventurers to partake in the celebrations and special activities. At other times they merely tell some common quotes.

Quest Involvement

During The Anniversary Event

The Anniversary is here!

This special is marked by many wonderful events and rewards that seem to come to everyone, not matter where they are or what they are doing.

The Battle of Glorious Beer in Thorin's Hall is not a brawl for the weak of arm or spirit, but it seems that everyone wants to test their strength in this momentous battle. Even the simple heroics of defeating monsters throughout Middle-earth will reap more than the usual bounty.

Collect tokens and reap rewards as you join in the festivities!

During the Summer Festival

Where to Find the Festival

  • If you wish to visit the festival. the celebrations can be found in the homes of the Elves, dwarves, Men, and Shire-folk.
  • In Ered Luin, the Elves hold their event in Duillond, while the dwarves go to the Inn at Thorin's Hall. Men celebrate in the fields north of Bree, and the hobbits always visit the Party Tree in Hobbiton. All are welcome!

A Seasonal Horse-race

  • Special steeds can be won in the horse-races, all unique with the captivating theme of the season.
  • If you wish to race for a steed, go to the race tracks in the Bree-fields or in the Shire, near the neighbourhoods of Michel Delving.

Summer Festival Announcement

The Inn League vs. the Ale Association

  • During the festivals of Middle-earth, many folks relish the opportunity to partake in the enjoyment of fine seasonal brews, so much as that factions devoted solely to this practice are formed.
  • The Inn League is a long-standing reputable faction of Middle-earth, founded by hobbits. Members are always welcome, and those who wish to join should seek entry to the league by visiting Ailward Chubb at the Party Tree.
  • But the glory of the Inn League was not to last. A few festivals later, a surly, sinister dwarf made his presence know in Thorin's Hall during their own celebrations. This dwarf, Jónar, despises hobbits and believes that dwarves are the superior brewers of the land. He founded the Ale Association, a rival faction of the Inn League, bent on doing more harm than good for the amusement of those with wicked temperaments.

During the Spring Festival

Where to Find the Festival

  • If you wish to visit the festival, the celebrations ca be found in the homes of the Elves, dwarves, Men, and Shire-folk.

A Seasonal Horse-race

  • Special steeds can be won in the horse-races, all unique with the captivating themes of the season.
  • If you wish to race for a steed, go to the race tracks in the Bree-fields or in the Shire, near the neighbourhoods of Michel Delving.

Spring Festival Announcement

  • The Spring Festival is here!
  • Join in the festivities by visiting the Hedge Maze in the Breefields and the Festival Garden outside Duillond, where a shrew infestation is disturbing many Elf-gardeners. Each of the festival grounds is hosting a number of the celebratory activities as well, so be sure to attend them all!

The Inn League vs. the Ale Association

  • During the festivals in Middle-earth, many folks relish the opportunity to partake in the enjoyment of fine seasonal brews, so mush so that factions devoted solely to this practice are formed.
  • The Inn League is a long-standing reputable faction of Middle-earth, founded by hobbits. Members are always welcome, and those who wish to join should seek entry to the league by visiting Ailward Chubb at the Party Tree.
  • But the glory of the Inn League was not to last. A few festivals later, a surly, sinister dwarf made his presence known in Thorin's Hall during their own celebrations. This dwarf, Jónar, despises hobbits and believes that dwarves are the superior brewers of the land. He founded the Ale Association, a rival faction of the Inn League, bent on doing more harm than good for the amusement of those with wicked temperaments.