Hytbold Armour Sets

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Through the process of rebuilding Hytbold, players can acquire level 85 armour sets by bartering Tokens of Hytbold. Each class has three armour sets (one corresponding to each trait line). Specific quests to rebuild Hytbold must be completed in order to barter for each piece. The following tables list each armour set by class, along with the quest to complete to barter for each piece. However, it is not necessary to rebuild Hytbold for every character on the same account. All Hytbold armour pieces bind to account on acquire and so may be traded among characters on the same account.


The Armour of the Hytbold Roar set is bartered by the Hytbold Quartermaster (The Roar) and corresponds to the Roar trait line.

Item to Receive Item to Trade Required Quest
 Helm of the Hytbold Roar 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Norcrofts Tents: Enhancements I
 Shoulderpads of the Hytbold Roar 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Norcrofts Tents: Rebuild
 Breastplate of the Hytbold Roar 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Mead Hall: Interior Enhancements III
 Gloves of the Hytbold Roar 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Farmhouse of the Sutcrofts: Inhabitants
 Leggings of the Hytbold Roar 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Smithy: Inhabitants
 Boots of the Hytbold Roar 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Library: Enhancements II

The Armour of the Hytbold Claw set is bartered by the Hytbold Quartermaster (The Claw) and corresponds to the Claw trait line.

Item to Receive Item to Trade Required Quest
 Helm of the Hytbold Claw 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] House of the Entwash Vale: Enhancements I
 Shoulderpads of the Hytbold Claw 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Lighting and Fences: Rebuild I
 Breastplate of the Hytbold Claw 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Townsfolk III
 Gloves of the Hytbold Claw 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] House of the Norcrofts: Inhabitants
 Leggings of the Hytbold Claw 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Tower of the Sutcrofts: Defenders
 Boots of the Hytbold Claw 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Smithy: Enhancements II

The Armour of the Hytbold Hide set is bartered by the Hytbold Quartermaster (The Hide) and corresponds to the Hide trait line.

Item to Receive Item to Trade Required Quest
 Helm of the Hytbold Hide 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Lumber Mill: Inhabitants II
 Shoulderpads of the Hytbold Hide 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Cottage of the Norcrofts: Enhancements I
 Breastplate of the Hytbold Hide 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Wold Tents: Rebuild
 Gloves of the Hytbold Hide 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Smithy: Rebuild
 Leggings of the Hytbold Hide 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Sutcrofts Tents: Rebuild
 Boots of the Hytbold Hide 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Townsfolk VI

The Armour of the Hytbold Striker set is bartered by Baldwine and corresponds to the Fulcrum trait line.

Item to Receive Item to Trade Quest Required
 Helm of the Hytbold Custodian 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Lumber Mill: Inhabitants II
 Shoulderpads of the Hytbold Custodian 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Cottage of the Norcrofts: Enhancements I
 Breastplate of the Hytbold Custodian 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Wold Tents: Rebuild
 Gloves of the Hytbold Custodian 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Smithy: Rebuild
 Leggings of the Hytbold Custodian 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Sutcrofts Tents: Rebuild
 Boots of the Hytbold Custodian 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Townsfolk VI

The Armour of the Hytbold Custodian set is bartered by Hunwald and corresponds to the Maelstrom trait line.

Item to Receive Item to Trade Quest Required
 Helm of the Hytbold Striker 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] House of the Entwash Vale: Enhancements I
 Shoulderpads of the Hytbold Striker 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Lighting and Fences: Rebuild I
 Breastplate of the Hytbold Striker 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Townsfolk III
 Gloves of the Hytbold Striker 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] House of the Norcrofts: Inhabitants
 Leggings of the Hytbold Striker 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Tower of the Sutcrofts: Defenders
 Boots of the Hytbold Striker 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Smithy: Enhancements II

The Armour of the Hytbold Fighter set is bartered by Wigstan and corresponds to the Fundament trait line.

Item to Receive Item to Trade Quest Required
 Helm of the Hytbold Fighter 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Norcrofts Tents: Enhancements I
 Shoulderpads of the Hytbold Fighter 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Norcrofts Tents: Rebuild
 Breastplate of the Hytbold Fighter 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Mead Hall: Interior Enhancements III
 Gloves of the Hytbold Fighter 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Farmhouse of the Sutcrofts: Inhabitants
 Leggings of the Hytbold Fighter 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Smithy: Inhabitants
 Boots of the Hytbold Fighter 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Library: Enhancements II

The Armour of the Hytbold Knife set is bartered by Ormwald and corresponds to the Quiet Knife trait line.

Item to Receive Item to Trade Quest Required
 Helm of the Hytbold Knife 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] House of the Entwash Vale: Enhancements II
 Shoulderpads of the Hytbold Knife 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Mead Hall: Outdoor Enhancements II
 Jacket of the Hytbold Knife 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Library: Inhabitants
 Gloves of the Hytbold Knife 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] House of the Norcrofts: Enhancements III
 Leggings of the Hytbold Knife 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Lumber Mill: Inhabitants I
 Boots of the Hytbold Knife 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Lighting and Fences: Rebuild VIII

The Hytbold Mischief-maker's Armour set is bartered by Cuthbald and corresponds to the Mischief-maker trait line.

Item to Receive Item to Trade Quest Required
 Helm of the Hytbold Mischief-maker 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Armoury: Enhancements III
 Shoulderpads of the Hytbold Mischief-maker 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Cottage of the Norcrofts: Enhancements II
 Jacket of the Hytbold Mischief-maker 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Wold Tents: Enhancements I
 Gloves of the Hytbold Mischief-maker 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Lumber Mill: Rebuild
 Leggings of the Hytbold Mischief-maker 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Sutcrofts Tents: Enhancements I
 Boots of the Hytbold Mischief-maker 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Stable: Enhancements II

The Armour of the Hytbold Gambler set is bartered by Tortgard and corresponds to the Gambler trait line.

Item to Receive Item to Trade Quest Required
 Helm of the Hytbold Gambler 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Norcrofts Tents: Enhancements II
 Shoulderpads of the Hytbold Gambler 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Lighting and Fences: Rebuild VI
 Jacket of the Hytbold Gambler 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Mead Hall: Outdoor Enhancements III
 Gloves of the Hytbold Gambler 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Farmhouse of the Sutcrofts: Superior Farmland
 Leggings of the Hytbold Gambler 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Smithy: Enhancements I
 Boots of the Hytbold Gambler 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The East Gate: Enhancements II

The Armour of the Hytbold Leader set is bartered by Brunrad and corresponds to the Leader of Men trait line.

Item to Receive Item to Trade Quest Required
 Helm of the Hytbold Leader 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] House of the Entwash Vale: Enhancements I
 Shoulderpads of the Hytbold Leader 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Lighting and Fences: Rebuild I
 Jacket of the Hytbold Leader 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Townsfolk III
 Gloves of the Hytbold Leader 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] House of the Norcrofts: Inhabitants
 Leggings of the Hytbold Leader 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Tower of the Sutcrofts: Defenders
 Boots of the Hytbold Leader 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Smithy: Enhancements II

The Armour of the Hytbold Healer set is bartered by Arfugol and corresponds to the Hands of Healing trait line.

Item to Receive Item to Trade Quest Required
 Helm of the Hytbold Healer 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Lumber Mill: Inhabitants II
 Shoulderpads of the Hytbold Healer 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Cottage of the Norcrofts: Enhancements I
 Jacket of the Hytbold Healer 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Wold Tents: Rebuild
 Gloves of the Hytbold Healer 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Smithy: Rebuild
 Leggings of the Hytbold Healer 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Sutcrofts Tents: Rebuild
 Boots of the Hytbold Healer 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Townsfolk VI

The Armour of the Hytbold Charge set is bartered by Herleric and corresponds to the Lead the Charge trait line.

Item to Receive Item to Trade Quest Required
 Helm of the Hytbold Charge 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Norcrofts Tents: Enhancements I
 Shoulderpads of the Hytbold Charge 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Norcrofts Tents: Rebuild
 Jacket of the Hytbold Charge 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Mead Hall: Interior Enhancements III
 Gloves of the Hytbold Charge 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Farmhouse of the Sutcrofts: Inhabitants
 Leggings of the Hytbold Charge 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Smithy: Inhabitants
 Boots of the Hytbold Charge 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Library: Enhancements II

The Armour of the Hytbold Storm set is bartered by Haribrand and corresponds to the Deadly Storm trait line.

Armour Piece Quest Required Cost
 Helm of the Hytbold Storm 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] House of the Sutcrofts: Enhancements III
 Shoulderpads of the Hytbold Storm 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Mead Hall: Interior Enhancements II
 Jacket of the Hytbold Storm 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Armoury: Enhancements I
 Gloves of the Hytbold Storm 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] House of the Wold: Enhancements I
 Leggings of the Hytbold Storm 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The West Gate: Defenders
 Boots of the Hytbold Storm 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Palisade: Rebuild VIII

The Hytbold Berserker's Armour set is bartered by Goldmund and corresponds to the Berserker trait line.

Item to Receive Item to Trade Quest Required
 Helm of the Hytbold Berserker 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The West Gate: Enhancements I
 Shoulderpads of the Hytbold Berserker 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Mead Hall: Interior Enhancements IX
 Jacket of the Hytbold Berserker 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Tower of the Wold: Enhancements III
 Gloves of the Hytbold Berserker 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Library: Rebuild
 Leggings of the Hytbold Berserker 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Tower of the Sutcrofts: Enhancements II
 Boots of the Hytbold Berserker 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Tower of the Entwash Vale: Defenders

The Hytbold Champion's Armour set is bartered by Dagelarm and corresponds to the Martial Champion trait line.

Item to Receive Item to Trade Quest Required
 Helm of the Hytbold Champion 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Tower of the Norcrofts: Defenders
 Shoulderpads of the Hytbold Champion 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Cottage of the Wold: Enhancements III
 Jacket of the Hytbold Champion 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Lighting and Fences: Rebuild III
 Gloves of the Hytbold Champion 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Mead Hall: Interior Enhancements VII
 Leggings of the Hytbold Champion 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Lumber Mill: Enhancements III
 Boots of the Hytbold Champion 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Lumber Mill: Superior Workbench

The Armour of the Hytbold Shadow-fighter set is bartered by Gragfrith and corresponds to the Fighter of Shadow trait line.

Item to Receive Item to Trade Quest Required
 Helm of the Hytbold Shadow-fighter 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] House of the Entwash Vale: Enhancements III
 Shoulderpads of the Hytbold Shadow-fighter 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Mead Hall: Outdoor Enhancements I
 Jacket of the Hytbold Shadow-fighter 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Stable: Wold Horses
 Gloves of the Hytbold Shadow-fighter 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] House of the Norcrofts: Enhancements II
 Leggings of the Hytbold Shadow-fighter 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Armoury: Enhancements II
 Boots of the Hytbold Shadow-fighter 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Lighting and Fences: Rebuild VII

The Armour of the Hytbold Defender set is bartered by Blacstan and corresponds to the Defender of the Free trait line.

Item to Receive Item to Trade Quest Required
 Helm of the Hytbold Defender 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Townsfolk V
 Shoulderpads of the Hytbold Defender 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Cottage of the Norcrofts: Enhancements III
 Jacket of the Hytbold Defender 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Wold Tents: Enhancements II
 Gloves of the Hytbold Defender 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Armoury: Rebuild
 Leggings of the Hytbold Defender 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Sutcrofts Tents: Enhancements II
 Boots of the Hytbold Defender 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Stable: Entwash Vale Horses

The Keen Hytbold Armour set is bartered by Grimdreda and corresponds to the Keen Blade trait line.

Item to Receive Item to Trade Quest Required
 Helm of the Hytbold Blade 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Norcrofts Tents: Inhabitants
 Shoulderpads of the Hytbold Blade 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Lighting and Fences: Rebuild V
 Jacket of the Hytbold Blade 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Mead Hall: Interior Enhancements IV
 Gloves of the Hytbold Blade 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Farmhouse of the Sutcrofts: Crops
 Leggings of the Hytbold Blade 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Lighting and Fences: Rebuild IV
 Boots of the Hytbold Blade 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The West Gate: Enhancements II

The Armour of the Hytbold Bowmaster set is bartered by Strangmal and corresponds to the Bowmaster trait line.

Item to Receive Item to Trade Quest Required
 Helm of the Hytbold Bowmaster 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] House of the Sutcrofts: Inhabitants
 Shoulderpads of the Hytbold Bowmaster 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Mead Hall: Interior Enhancements I
 Jacket of the Hytbold Bowmaster 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Cottage of the Norcrofts: Rebuild
 Gloves of the Hytbold Bowmaster 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] House of the Wold: Rebuild
 Leggings of the Hytbold Bowmaster 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Farmhouse of the Sutcrofts: Rebuild
 Boots of the Hytbold Bowmaster 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Palisade: Rebuild VII

The Armour of the Hytbold Trapper set is bartered by Wineléod and corresponds to the Trapper of Foes trait line.

Item to Receive Item to Trade Quest Required
 Helm of the Hytbold Trapper 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] House of the Entwash Vale: Rebuild
 Shoulderpads of the Hytbold Trapper 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Mead Hall: Outdoor Enhancements VI
 Jacket of the Hytbold Trapper 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Tower of the Wold: Defenders
 Gloves of the Hytbold Trapper 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Stable: Rebuild
 Leggings of the Hytbold Trapper 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Tower of the Sutcrofts: Enhancements III
 Boots of the Hytbold Trapper 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Lumber Mill: Enhancements V

The Hytbold Huntsman's Armour set is bartered by Scurwig and corresponds to the Huntsman trait line.

Item to Receive Item to Trade Quest Required
 Helm of the Hytbold Huntsman 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Lumber Mill: Enhancements IV
 Shoulderpads of the Hytbold Huntsman 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Cottage of the Wold: Inhabitants
 Jacket of the Hytbold Huntsman 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Smithy: Superior Forge
 Gloves of the Hytbold Huntsman 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Mead Hall: Outdoor Enhancements V
 Leggings of the Hytbold Huntsman 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Mead Hall: Outdoor Enhancements IV
 Boots of the Hytbold Huntsman 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Armoury: Enhancements IV

The Armour of Hytbold's Fury set is bartered by Hogaswith and corresponds to the Master of Nature's Fury trait line.

Item to Receive Item to Trade Quest Required
 Helm of Hytbold's Fury 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Stable: Enhancements I
 Shoulderpads of Hytbold's Fury 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Cottage of the Wold: Rebuild
 Jacket of Hytbold's Fury 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Tower of the Wold: Rebuild
 Gloves of Hytbold's Fury 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Armoury: Inhabitants II
 Leggings of Hytbold's Fury 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Tower of the Sutcrofts: Rebuild
 Boots of Hytbold's Fury 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Tower of the Entwash Vale: Enhancements I

The Ancient Hytbold Armour set is bartered by Ohún and corresponds to the Ancient Master trait line.

Item to Receive Item to Trade Quest Required
 Ancient Hytbold Helm 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Tower of the Norcrofts: Enhancements I
 Ancient Hytbold Shoulderpads 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Palisade: Rebuild V
 Ancient Hytbold Jacket 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Palisade: Rebuild II
 Ancient Hytbold Gloves 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] House of the Norcrofts: Rebuild
 Ancient Hytbold Leggings 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Mead Hall: Inhabitants IV
 Ancient Hytbold Boots 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Farmhouse of the Entwash Vale: Crops

The Hytbold Armour of the Animal-friend set is bartered by Selnoth and corresponds to the Keeper of Animals trait line.

Item to Receive Item to Trade Quest Required
 Helm of the Hytbold Animal-friend 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] House of the Sutcrofts: Rebuild
 Shoulderpads of the Hytbold Animal-friend 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Palisade: Rebuild I
 Jacket of the Hytbold Animal-friend 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The West Gate: Rebuild
 Gloves of the Hytbold Animal-friend 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] House of the Wold: Inhabitants
 Leggings of the Hytbold Animal-friend 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Library: Enhancements I
 Boots of the Hytbold Animal-friend 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Entwash Vale Tents: Enhancements II

The Armour of the Hytbold Skald set is bartered by Waltfréa and corresponds to the Warrior-Skald trait line.

Item to Receive Item to Trade Quest Required
 Helm of the Hytbold Skald 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Tower of the Norcrofts: Enhancements III
 Shoulderpads of the Hytbold Skald 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Cottage of the Wold: Enhancements II
 Jacket of the Hytbold Skald 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Lighting and Fences: Rebuild II
 Gloves of the Hytbold Skald 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Mead Hall: Interior Enhancements VIII
 Leggings of the Hytbold Skald 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Mead Hall: Interior Enhancements V
 Boots of the Hytbold Skald 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Farmhouse of the Entwash Vale: Rebuild

The Hytbold Song-protector's Armour set is bartered by Alhard and corresponds to the Protector of Song trait line.

Item to Receive Item to Trade Quest Required
 Helm of the Hytbold Song-protector 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The East Gate: Enhancements I
 Shoulderpads of the Hytbold Song-protector 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Mead Hall: Interior Enhancements X
 Jacket of the Hytbold Song-protector 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Tower of the Wold: Enhancements II
 Gloves of the Hytbold Song-protector 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Townsfolk II
 Leggings of the Hytbold Song-protector 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The East Gate: Defenders
 Boots of the Hytbold Song-protector 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Tower of the Entwash Vale: Enhancements III

The Hytbold Armour of Resolve set is bartered by Tilthorn and corresponds to the Watcher of Resolve trait line.

Item to Receive Item to Trade Quest Required
 Helm of the Hytbold Watcher 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] House of the Sutcrofts: Enhancements II
 Shoulderpads of the Hytbold Watcher 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Mead Hall: Inhabitants I
 Jacket of the Hytbold Watcher 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Lumber Mill: Enhancements II
 Gloves of the Hytbold Watcher 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] House of the Wold: Enhancements II
 Leggings of the Hytbold Watcher 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Farmhouse of the Entwash Vale: Inhabitants
 Boots of the Hytbold Watcher 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Entwash Vale Tents: Rebuild

The Armour of the Hytbold Thunder-caller set is bartered by Hrofgyr and corresponds to the Solitary Thunder trait line.

Item to Receive Item to Trade Quest Required
 Helm of the Hytbold Thunder-caller 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] House of the Sutcrofts: Enhancements I
 Shoulderpads of the Hytbold Thunder-caller 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Mead Hall: Inhabitants II
 Jacket of the Hytbold Thunder-caller 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Lumber Mill: Enhancements I
 Gloves of the Hytbold Thunder-caller 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] House of the Wold: Enhancements III
 Leggings of the Hytbold Thunder-caller 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Stable: Sutcrofts Horses
 Boots of the Hytbold Thunder-caller 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Entwash Vale Tents: Enhancements I

The Armour of the Hytbold Cleanser set is bartered by Dalmann and corresponds to the Cleansing Fires trait line.

Item to Receive Item to Trade Quest Required
 Helm of the Hytbold Cleanser 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Stable: Norcrofts Horses
 Shoulderpads of the Hytbold Cleanser 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Mead Hall: Inhabitants VI
 Jacket of the Hytbold Cleanser 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Tower of the Wold: Enhancements I
 Gloves of the Hytbold Cleanser 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Townsfolk I
 Leggings of the Hytbold Cleanser 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Tower of the Sutcrofts: Enhancements I
 Boots of the Hytbold Cleanser 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Tower of the Entwash Vale: Enhancements II

The Armour of the Hytbold Peace-caller set is bartered by Rungat and corresponds to the Benedictions of Peace trait line.

Item to Receive Item to Trade Quest Required
 Helm of the Hytbold Peace-caller 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Tower of the Norcrofts: Enhancements II
 Shoulderpads of the Hytbold Peace-caller 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Cottage of the Wold: Enhancements I
 Jacket of the Hytbold Peace-caller 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Palisade: Rebuild III
 Gloves of the Hytbold Peace-caller 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Mead Hall: Inhabitants V
 Leggings of the Hytbold Peace-caller 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Mead Hall: Interior Enhancements VI
 Boots of the Hytbold Peace-caller 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Farmhouse of the Entwash Vale: Enhancements

The Armour of the Hytbold Spear set is bartered by Helmrun and corresponds to the Way of the Spear trait line.

Item to Receive Item to Trade Quest Required
 Helm of the Hytbold Spear 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] House of the Entwash Vale: Inhabitants
 Shoulderpads of the Hytbold Spear 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Mead Hall: Rebuild
 Jacket of the Hytbold Spear 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The East Gate: Rebuild
 Gloves of the Hytbold Spear 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] House of the Norcrofts: Enhancements I
 Leggings of the Hytbold Spear 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Townsfolk IV
 Boots of the Hytbold Spear 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Entwash Vale Tents: Inhabitants

The Armour of the Hytbold Shield set is bartered by Langarm and corresponds to the Way of the Shield trait line.

Item to Receive Item to Trade Quest Required
 Helm of the Hytbold Shield 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Library: Superior Study
 Shoulderpads of the Hytbold Shield 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Cottage of the Norcrofts: Inhabitants
 Jacket of the Hytbold Shield 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Wold Tents: Inhabitants
 Gloves of the Hytbold Shield 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Armoury: Inhabitants I
 Leggings of the Hytbold Shield 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Sutcrofts Tents: Inhabitants
 Boots of the Hytbold Shield 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Tower of the Entwash Vale: Rebuild

The Armour of the Hytbold Fist set is bartered by Ardefer and corresponds to the Way of the Fist trait line.

Item to Receive Item to Trade Quest Required
 Helm of the Hytbold Fist 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Tower of the Norcrofts: Rebuild
 Shoulderpads of the Hytbold Fist 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Palisade: Rebuild VI
 Jacket of the Hytbold Fist 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Mead Hall: Inhabitants III
 Gloves of the Hytbold Fist 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Farmhouse of the Sutcrofts: Enhancements
 Leggings of the Hytbold Fist 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Palisade: Rebuild IV
 Boots of the Hytbold Fist 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Farmhouse of the Sutcrofts: Superior Oven