Quest:Tower of the Norcrofts: Rebuild

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Tower of the Norcrofts: Rebuild
Level 85
Type Solo
Starts with Warin
Starts at Hytbold
Start Region Sutcrofts
Map Ref [57.4S, 55.9W]
Quest Group Hytbold
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'The towers stand, but I do not trust them. Wood does not burn like this town did and still hold weight. If we repair them, we gain the ability to see when the Enemy is coming and have our archers be able to loose upon them as they crash against our palisades.'


There is much work to do to rebuild the town of Hytbold.

Objective 1

  • Gather Tokens of Hytbold (0/1)

There is much work to do to rebuild the town of Hytbold.

Objective 2

  • Bring the Tokens of Hytbold to Warin

There is much work to do to rebuild the town of Hytbold.

Warin: Hytbold is one step closer to being rebuilt and restored.