Quest:Norcrofts Tents: Enhancements I

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Norcrofts Tents: Enhancements I
Level 85
Type Solo
Starts with Warin
Starts at Hytbold
Start Region Sutcrofts
Map Ref [57.4S, 55.9W]
Quest Group Hytbold
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Bestowal dialogue

'While a tent is not a house, there are still some things that can be done to add some comfort and turn it into a home. Beds, tables, campfires, and stools are among the things that we can add to help return a semblance of normalcy to people's lives.'


There is much work to do to rebuild the town of Hytbold.

Objective 1

  • Gather Tokens of Hytbold (0/1)

There is much work to do to rebuild the town of Hytbold.

Objective 2

  • Bring the Tokens of Hytbold to Warin

There is much work to do to rebuild the town of Hytbold.

Warin: Hytbold is one step closer to being rebuilt and restored.