Quest:Blood of the Black Serpent -- Tier 2

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Blood of the Black Serpent -- Tier 2
Level Scaling
Type Small Fellowship
Repeatable Yes
Starts at Pelennor
Start Region Kings' End
Map Ref [23.3N, 12.5W]
Quest Group The Battle of Pelennor
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Bestowal Dialogue

As the Battle of the Pelennor Fields intensifies, the Men of Harad rally around their King and fight to hold against the warriors of Gondor and Rohan alike.


As the Battle of the Pelennor Fields intensifies, the Men of Harad rally around their King and fight to hold against the warriors of Gondor and Rohan alike.

Objective 1

The Black Serpent rallies the Men of Harad to greater viciousness as the many forces of Sauron move against Minas Tirith. In addition to his sons, the strongest of the Enemy's forces creep onto the field in search of you and your fellows.

Warrior says, "Friend, they are too many here..."
Warrior says, "If you take the wall, you may break through."
Warrior says, "Go with haste - we will hold them back as long as we can!"
Warrior says, "Go..."
Jarl Dauthar says, "Stand down - all of you! This one is mine..."
Jarl Dauthar says, "Stay."
Jarl Dauthar says, "You have bested my men, but luck can only carry you so far."
Jarl Dauthar says, "None have sold their sword as profitably as I, <class>, and you shall fetch the finest price of all."
Jarl Dauthar says, "The one called Gothmog tasked us with your capture, and I mean to see it done."
Jarl Dauthar says, "So then, <name>... prove your worth!"
Jarl Dauthar says, "So, it's to be a proper fight. Two of you, to me!"
Jarl Dauthar says, "Amusing - let us try three then."
Jarl Dauthar says, "Enough! Bind them and deliver them to Osgiliath!"
Jarl Dauthar says, "Tunkild! To me!"
Jarl Dauthar says, "You will live, <name>, but only in agony!"
Jarl Dauthar says, "How have I... failed?"
Warrior says, "I weighted the gate for you - hurry through!"
Warrior says, "The field is covered in foes, but perhaps you can press deeper into their ranks by skirting the wall."
Warrior says, "The wall is breached in many places. Travel further south and find a path through!"
Warrior says, "Go now! We will guard your advance!"
As you pass beyond the Rammas Echor, you see a field of Haradrim riders before you...
Haradrim War-master says, 'Form up! They are upon us!"
You scan the wall for signs of weakness and spot a small path sealed by smoldering debris...
Haradrim War-master says, 'Ride, brothers! Slay them all!"
You hear a great crash as the path through the Rammas Echor opens anew!
Haradrim Spotter says, "Do not let them pass! They are too deep in our ranks already!"
Haradrim Spotter says, "I shall warn the King and his sons!"
Kâlach Hûl, The Black Serpent says, "You are a brazen lot to cut such a swath of death through our men... and all to stand before me."
Kâlach Hûl, The Black Serpent says, "The wraith has offered me these lands, but I have no love for them."
Kâlach Hûl, The Black Serpent says, "Even if all who inhabit them were slain, the sight of these fields would still repulse me."
Kâlach Hûl, The Black Serpent says, "These Men of Gondor and Rohan are soft... untrained... and soon they shall all be dead."
Kâlach Hûl, The Black Serpent says, "Our poisons coat every blade... every single arrow..."
Kâlach Hûl, The Black Serpent says, "Each man's death has only to find him now."
Raghtâ Sai says, "You threaten our father and the sovereignty of Harad..."
Methân Sai says, "...And for that you are condemned."
Kâlach Hûl, The Black Serpent says, "Rain arrows down upon them!"
Raghtâ Sai says, "Father, I... am sorry..."
Methân Sai says, "Father... I..."
Kâlach Hûl, The Black Serpent says, "Feckless boy!"
Kâlach Hûl, The Black Serpent says, "My sons!"
Théoden says, "Ride, Snowmane! Ride into the Serpent's maw!"
Kâlach Hûl, The Black Serpent says, "Your deaths shall be swift, curs! Archers, take aim!"
Kâlach Hûl, The Black Serpent says, "Death to Gondor! Death to Roh-"
Blood of the Black Serpent -- Tier 2
Théoden says, "Flee! Flee, cowards! Your lord is hewn and your banner thrown down!"