Quest:Zudramdân: Enemy Stores

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Zudramdân: Enemy Stores
Level 130
Type Solo
Starts with Landscape
Starts at Zudramdân
Start Region The War of Three Peaks
Map Ref [96.7S, 19.1W]
Ends with Auto-complete
Quest Group Elderslade: The War of Three Peaks
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

When conflict broke out, Zudramdân was the first hold lost to the Orkish forces of Gundabad. The once dwarf-held outpost has now fallen into the hands of Orc warriors. The forces at Zudramdân are sure to fortify their defences, unless something can be done to dwindle their stores.


When conflict broke out, Zudramdân was the first hold to be lost to the Orkish forces of Gundabad.

Objective 1

  • Destroy supplies(0/10)
  • Destroy weapon racks (0/6)

Supplies and weapon racks can be found in and near Zudramdân.

You should destroy supplies and weapon racks.

You have destroyed many supplies and weapon racks at Zudramdân, thwarting the Orc efforts to fortify the ruins. Those in the war effort will be grateful for all that you have done here.