Quest:Scavenging the Battlefield

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Scavenging the Battlefield
Level 130
Type Solo
Starts with Varthmath
Starts at Zarkul-sulûn
Start Region The War of Three Peaks
Map Ref [100.9S, 17.2W]
Ends with Varthmath
Ends at Zarkul-zulûn
End Region The War of Three Peaks
Map Ref [100.9S, 17.2W]
Quest Group Elderslade: The War of Three Peaks
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'<name>, it is good to see you again. When Grimbeorn declared that we were to assist the dwarves, I knew that I must come here. During my time in Moria, I learned a great many things from the dwarves. Now I look to repay their hospitality by fighting alongside them. If we make it to Gundabad, I am going in with them.

'For now, I am focused with assisting the forge-workers, but they have informed me that metal to forge is becoming scarce. We should find more metals on the battlefield. Would you be able to traverse the battlefield and collect any broken weapons that you come across?'


The Beorning Varthmath knows that supplies are limited in battle and wishes to scavenge the battlefield for weapons to repair.

Objective 1

  • Collect broken swords (0/12)

Broken swords can be found scattered across the battlefield.

You should collect any broken swords that you find.

Collected broken swords (12/12)

Objective 2

Varthmath can be found at Zarkul-sulûn.

You should give the broken swords to Varthmath.

Varthmath: 'Thank you for these broken swords, <name>. This will keep the forge workers busy for a while and keep weapons in our hands during battle!'