Quest:The Climb

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The Climb
Level 114
Type Solo
Starts with Viznak
Starts at Seregost
Start Region Agarnaith
Map Ref [48.6S, 32.1E]
Ends with Rhadrog
Ends at Viznak's Hideout
End Region Agarnaith
Map Ref [51.9S, 28.2E]
Quest Group Mordor: Agarnaith
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Sticky stuff works! Almost ready. You too heavy for sticky stuff though, so need rope for you.'


With one of Viznak's plans proven good enough, you are almost ready to make the climb to Seregost.

Objective 1

Strong vines can be found in the trees near Seregost.

You should cobble together a rope from the vines.

Objective 2

Viznak can be found near Seregost in eastern Agarnaith.

You should talk to Viznak and complete your mission in Seregost.

Viznak: 'Got rope, got sticky stuff. Now, it's time to climb! Ready?'

Objective 3

  • Talk to Rhadog

Rhadrog can be found in Viznak's hideout.

You should talk to Rhadrog.

Rhadog: 'Phew! We made it out by the skin of our teeth. Those Nurnhoth were certainly in the right to be frightened of Seregost. And what we learned... this plague might be the single greatest to the west in Mordor.
'We need to go back, and soon, to disrupt Lhaereth's frightful plans. Otherwise, we might all be in serious trouble. We will find a way to contact you when our forces are ready to strike. For now, a well-earned rest!'