"Oh, I do not know about this. I do not know about this at all!" —Bingo Boffin Accuracy This article is marked for checking accuracy. Please check other sources to verify if the information provided is correct. Items needing confirmation: [1]
The Allegiance System is an efforts-for-rewards system, as an alternative to the traditional "reputation faction" track. It was initially released with the Mordor Expansion in August of 2017, and then extended in the Gundabad Expansion in November of 2021.
User Interface
The allegiance panel is accessed through the game's menus, starting with the "chevron" or "caret" at the left end of the tool bar at the bottom of your screen:
this then brings up a list of options, the one you want is "Character", and underneath that is "Allegiances":
The panel itself looks as follows, with the upper "tab" for the Mordor-expansion allegiances, and the lower one for the Gundabad-expansion (Zhélruka) allegiance:
From the main allegiance panel, the "Track" button can be selected, and this will create a persistent on-screen object, which displays a unique symbol for the allegiance, and an indicator of reputation level, and progress towards the next level. This object can be repositioned, as desired, using the "Reposition UI" interface, or cancelled, with the "X" in the upper-lefthand corner of the object.
Mordor-expansion Allegiances Overview
The Mordor-expansion allegiances consist of:
Dwarves: Durin's Folk
Men: The Kingdom of Gondor
Hobbits: Hobbits of the Company, and
Elves: The Court of Lothlórien
Access to Mordor-expansion allegiances first becomes available at level 110, rewards are aimed at level 115 players.
There are 30 "reputation" levels for each Mordor-expansion allegiance, which are attained by consuming various "Last Alliance" relics, of differing denominations. These are acquired from completing various quests and deeds within Mordor. The reputation gain is directed to whichever of the Mordor-expansion allegiance is designated as "active" at the time.
Each of the Mordor-expansion allegiances has a unique storyline, where Chapter 1 of each storyline originates from King Éomer at Udûn Foothold. Completing Chapter 1 of an Allegiance storyline grants a port ability which is unique to that Allegiance, either to Hall Under the Mountain, Hall of the King, Bâr Thorenion (for Hobbits of the Company) or Court of Lothlórien. These ports have a 5-minute cooldown. Beyond Level 1, upon attaining every multiple of 5 allegiance "reputation" levels, a consumable item is awarded, which grants access to another chapter of that allegiance's storyline.
Upon completing a specific sequence of Mordor quests, daily quests for allegiance factions is unlocked. These award additional rewards and barter, including Motes of Enchantment
The Fate of Gundabad expansion introduced a new allegiance -- Zhélruka, one of the Dwarven houses whose personages have previously appeared in the Where Dragons Dwell and War of Three Peaks content. Unlike the Mordor-expansion allegiances, the Zhélruka allegiance is scalable, with a minimum level of 20, and is heavily intertwined with the Missions system.
The main hub for the Zhélruka allegiance is the Hall of Vérnozal in Gundabad. Since Hall of Vérnozal is a Missions hub, like other Missions hubs in Erebor, Trestlebridge and Elderslade, the Mission Recruiter stable-master can be used to swiftly travel to the Hall. Upon joining the Zhélruka allegiance, Prince Ingór offers Chapter 1 of the Zhélruka allegiance storyline, and subsequent chapters, as the allegiance reputation levels are attained, up to Chapter 10 at allegiance reputation level 30.
In addition to access to the storyline quests, each multiple of 5 allegiance levels bestows rewards, such as cosmetics or level-scaled armor. The level 30 reward is a mount, Goat of Kept Promises. Since a goat or boar mount is necessary for Moria, this award could be quite valuable to a lower-level character approaching Moria content, if they have not already acquired a goat or boar mount via reputation, festival, store purchase, or other means.
Completing Chapter 1 of the storyline unlocks access to the daily Zhélruka missions, obtainable from Ausma and Hórin, in the Hall of Vérnozal, aesthetically cloned from the daily mission quest-givers in Keep of Annâk-khurfu. The loot boxes from Zhélruka missions contain a variable number of Relics of Gundabad, which can be consumed for Zhélruka allegiance reputation. These items, and similar items of other denominations, which also contribute to Zhélruka allegiance reputation, are also available from quests and deeds related to the Gundabad expansion [confirmation needed]
Unlike traditional reputation factions, accumulating enough points to achieve a particular reputation level does not automatically "attain" that level. The level must be "claimed" from the allegiance panel (bottom part, some side-scrolling may be required).
Reputation levels that cannot be claimed yet, show up with a "Claim!" button, which is greyed out.
Reputation levels that are available to be claimed, show up with a "Claim!" button in blue.
Reputation levels that have previously been claimed, show up as "Claimed".
Any awards associated with claiming the allegiance level are shown in the panel.
Upon login, if there are levels which are currently unclaimed, the message "You have unclaimed allegiance rewards" appears.