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About Me

Hello everyone. I have always been a Lord of the Rings fan from a young age. The first book I ever read from the Lord of the Rings trilogy was the Hobbit. I loved Billbo's adventure so much I read the rest of the trilogy as soon as I finished that book. That included The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, The Return of the King, The Similarion and The Unfinished Tales. In more recent years I have discovered the game LOTRO and was addicted to it the moment I played it. I have always been a fan of the Wizards of Middle Earth and it was instinctive for me to choose a Lore-master as my first class and I have not regretted it since. Although every aspect of the game appeals to me there are certain parts of it I love the most. I love socialising with my Kinship, doing Instances, following the epic story line and helping people that need help. I also like meeting new people so if you happen to see any of my characters just say hello and I'll be happy to talk to you.

On the Wiki I am as much learning new things about the game as well as contributing to it. I will be trying to contribute to the things I strongly know about the game in order for this website to have more accurate detail but I will be happy if people prove me wrong as I will learn more about this game. I will also be visiting regularly to update my Kinship's wiki page I created and to learn more facts about this great game.


Name Gender Race Class Level Vocation Server Kinship
Agorand Male Man Lore-master 100 Woodsman Withywindle Heralds of Valinor
Farorm Male Dwarf Guardian 74 Tinker Withywindle Heralds of Valinor
Druso Male Hobbit Hunter 50 Explorer Withywindle Heralds of Valinor