The Duellist Skills

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These skills are acquired by spending trait points in the Duellist (red) trait tree. You can only obtain the set skills if you specialize in this tree.

Active Skills Category Attunes CD Source
 Feint Melee 1 10s Set: Initial skill
 Cut-over Melee 2 10s Set:  Cut-over
 Salt-sea Blade Melee + Debuff 3 7s Trait:  Salt-sea Blade
 Check-step Melee 1 5s Set:  Check-step
 Dodge Buff 2 10s Trait:  Dodge
 Sweeping Advance Melee + AoE 3 7s Trait:  Slashing Blade
 Compound Attack Melee 4 10s Trait:  Compound Attack
 Shanty: Fore with Haste Buff Varies* 2m 15s Trait:  Double-time
 Flèche Melee + Finisher 5 20s Set:  Flèche