Tharkh Baraz

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This page is about the Redhorn Pass as it was in 2799 of the Third Age. For the pass in 3018 T.A., see Cirith Caradhras
Tharkh Baraz
Type: Pass
Region: Azanulbizar, T.A. 2799
Location: [69.7N, 136.7W]


Tharkh Baraz, the Redhorn Pass, was once the most traveled of the passes over the three peaks above Khazad-dûm. The pass leads over Barazinbar, Caradhras, into the old elf-lands of Eregion. The way was shut to the dwarves during the Sixth War of Dwarves and Orcs by the orc-camp of Zaghûth, blocking any northern reinforcements until the orcs can be ousted. The way up to the pass still provides a stunning view of the falls of Anlakh-zeleg.

