Skorgrím Dourhand

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Skorgrím Dourhand is a Dwarf-lord who long ago lusted for immortality, such that he sought to steal the relics of the Elves of the refuge of Edhelion with the help of his people, the Dourhand clan. His mad bid for power was stopped only by the sacrifice of Talagan Silvertongue, who brought the library of Edhelion down upon them both.

About 600 years later, at the end of the introduction quests for dwarves and Elves, Skorgrím was resurrected by the evil Gaunt-lord Ivar the Blood-hand at Skorgrím's Tomb as part of the wraith's own fell plan for Ered Luin. Later in the Epic story-line, Skorgrím will appear in quest instances in Rath Teraig, and in a Brigand camp in Bree-land. He makes a final appearance at Gabilazan in the Misty Mountains where he eventually is defeated.


Skorgrím Dourhand is descended from ancient dwarf-lords who ruled one of the great kingdoms of the Blue Mountains, a realm that has long since fallen into ruin. His people became scattered and declined in number, but poverty and dishonour bred within them a great greed and lust for power. When the Elves of Mithlond founded the Refuge of Edhelion, in the Blue Mountains, Skorgrím sought to rob them of their relics and treasures. He rallied the remnants of his people and laid siege to Edhelion. Worse yet, he had paid Goblins and Trolls to assist him...something of which no honourable Dwarf would conceive. His evil ways brought him to ruin, though Edhelion was also lost.
Six hundred years later Ivar the Blood-hand, a Gaunt-lord, a vile necromancer from the First Age, summoned a fell spirit which entered the preserved corpse of Skorgrím and raised it as a wight. The dark realm of Angmar used this creature to turn the Dourhands entirely to evil, leading them to believe that the creature was indeed Skorgrím reborn, to lead them to wealth and glory. Now the Dourhands serve Angmar, under the rule of the creature they know as Skorgrím.

Skorgrím Dourhand (Refuge of Edhelion)

Skorgrím Dourhand
Image of Skorgrím Dourhand
Gender Male
Race Dwarf
Region Ered Luin
Area Refuge of Edhelion
Map Ref [14.4S, 101.1W]

Skorgrím is first encountered by new elves as he leads the assault in the Refuge of Edhelion some 600 years prior to the current period.

Quest Involvement

Skorgrím Dourhand (Silver Deep Mine)

Skorgrím Dourhand
Image of Skorgrím Dourhand
Gender Male
Race Dwarf
Region Ered Luin
Area Thorin's Gate
Dungeon Silver Deep
Map Ref [14.3S, 101.7W]

Skorgrím is next seen by new dwarves somewhere in the Silver Deep Mine some 75 years prior to the current age at the time the expedition to the Lonely Mountain is heading off on their adventure.

Quest Involvement

Skorgrím Dourhand (Skorgrím's Tomb)

Skorgrím Dourhand
Image of Skorgrím Dourhand
Gender Male
Race Dwarf
Region Ered Luin
Area Thorin's Gate
Dungeon Skorgrím's Tomb
Map Ref [15.8S, 102.5W]

Skorgrím is encountered again as the Elvish/Dwarf expedition to investigate Elrond's Dream and the activity of the Dourhand Dwarfs explores Skorgrím's Tomb. This occurs about two years before the current period.

Quest Involvement

Skorgrím Dourhand (Ered Luin)

Image of Skorgrím
Gender Male
Race Dwarf
Region Ered Luin
Map Ref [19.8S, 99.5W]

Skorgrím, in the company of Ivar, passes through the Rusted Gate that guards the road between Gondamon and Noglond, where new Stout-axe PCs first behold him. After finally achieving a form of immortality, all classes and races can encounter him when they join the Free Peoples as they assault the camp at Rath Teraig.

Quest Involvement

Skorgrím Dourhand (Bree-land)

Skorgrím travels east into Bree-land, where the Blackwold brigands receive him only reluctantly.

Quest Involvement

Skorgrím Dourhand (Lone-lands)

Image of Skorgrím
Gender Male
Race Dwarf
Region Lone-lands
Map Ref [37.6S, 28.0W]

Skorgrím is met by Beorning characters in a class instance, where he has recruited one of their own as his ally.

Quest Involvement

Skorgrím Dourhand (Misty Mountains)

Skorgrím Dourhand
Level: 42
Region: Misty Mountains
Area: Gabilazan

Type: Nemesis
Genus: Dwarf
Species: Dwarf Brigand

Morale: 18,786
Power: 1,378
Advanced Stats
Alignment: ( Evil )
Combat Effectiveness:
Finesse: Feeble
F.M. Immune: False
Stun/Mez Imm.: True
Root Immune: True
Cry: Good
Song: Good
Tactical: Good
Physical: Good
Common: Remarkable AncientDwarf: Remarkable
Fire: Remarkable Beleriand: Remarkable
Light: Remarkable Westernesse: Remarkable
Shadow: Remarkable Frost: Remarkable
Lightning: Remarkable

Level of Lore-master reporting: ( 39 )  

Skorgrím Dourhand is encountered in a final confrontation atop the dourhand keep of Gabilazan in the Misty Mountains where he is conspiring with a Nazgûl.


 Dread +4

Quest Involvement
